A birthday princess for a day

Susan and me in Asheville
Susan and me in Asheville

On my 30th birthday Susan surprised me with a headband from the kids’ section of Party City with hearts coming off of it that say “Birthday Princess.” To her surprise, it was my favorite present of the weekend.

She gave it to me at 3 a.m. as we hung out at our hotel in Asheville, N.C. I put it on promptly and wore it the rest of the night (including drunken singing with Ronnie in the hotel lobby), and wore it the entire next day.

The response I got from people was overwhelming! Everywhere I went, people were smiling at me (OK, so maybe it was at me and not with me, but who cares?),

Ronnie and I belt it out in the hotel lobby. He can sing very well. The more I drink, the better I think I can sing.
Ronnie and I belt it out in the hotel lobby. He can sing very well. The more I drink, the better I think I can sing.

giving me happy birthday wishes and waving at me as if I were some kind of celebrity (or special person, who didn’t realize I was wearing a kid’s head band …)

I walked into Starbucks and they promptly gave me a free coffee drink of my choice. Walked into the shops around Biltmore Estate and not only received extra greetings from shop owners, but many times the headband initiated conversation as well. Even people that didn’t speak to me smiled. The whole city was happy! I wanted to wear the headband every day! If this is all it takes to make people smile, why not? (Yes, I actually considered it, but only for a second.)

Fast Forward 6 months, and we’re in Vegas celebrating Susan’s 30th birthday. Of course, she’d forgotten all

Me, Jeff, Susan and Pat at breakfast. The Birthday Princess got cheesecake.
Me, Jeff, Susan and Pat at breakfast. The Birthday Princess got cheesecake.

about the Birthday Princess. Of course, I hadn’t. I broke it out in Paris Las Vegas at Le Cafe ile St. Louis in Paris. Our waiter, Dennis, who I mentioned previously here, rounded a corner, saw Susan wearing the headband, and started gushing over her instantly. He called other employees to the table to see her headband, and they all joyfully wished her happy birthday. He even graced her with a slice of cheesecake and a birthday candle.

Outside of the restaurant, the headband sadly blended with all the Vegas lights and flashing objects, so not too much street attention. Makes sense, though: Asheville is a much quieter town; therefore a strange headband is more noticeable than in Vegas.

Later that night we end up in downtown Vegas, and

The Birthday princess makes a new friend.
The Birthday princess makes a new friend.

Susan comments to me that everyone is looking at her strangely. I tell her it’s because they’re drunk and trying to read what the headband says. Pretty sure I was right, too – they all squinted up at her like they were trying to decide what to make of it. I caught a couple of ladies doing that at one point and said to them, “It’s her birthday!”

“Oh! Happy birthday!” they hollered (yes, hollered.)

Later a guy on the street made a beeline to Susan as if her headband was the flashing lights he was trying to follow home. He clearly couldn’t read what her headband said, but he liked it. Really liked it.

Sadly, the birthday princess got lost along the way. We’re hoping it’s safe in Lee’s car (Lee, you can wear it, but only on your birthday!). If not, we may need to take another trip to Party City before the next birthday party (If my count is right, Ronnie and Chris are next. Get ready, boys!)



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