Ready for the calorie burn? Bring it on, holiday food!

Here are some more details of the TrySports calorie burn contest that I first mentioned here. Come meet me there tomorrow night!

This is from their weekly newsletter:

Tuesday/Thursday TryRunning group Holiday Calorie Burn Contest! Are you still trying to digest all the Thanksgiving food you ate? Don’t let the holiday season pack on those extra pounds!!! Join in on our Tuesday/Thursday TryRunning Group (open to walkers/runners of all abilities) starting this Tuesday, December 1st at 6:15 p.m. for our 6 week Holiday Calorie Burn Contest sponsored by Mizuno Footwear. Believe-Achieve shirts will be awarded to all who hit the 10,000 calorie goal and a grand prize of a pair of Mizuno Shoes will be awarded to the highest Calorie Burner!

walkerIt’s simple to participate – just show up to our Tuesday/ Thursday group starting Tuesday 12/1. Whether you are a walker or runner, we will have some basic 6 week plans for you to follow to maximize your calorie burn! All participants will receive a calorie log book to track their progress. Then on Thursday 1/15/10 we will announce our 6 week Tues/Thursday Calorie Burn contest winner! All you need is a HR Monitor or Watch (to calculate calories burned), a positive attitude and a smile! Invite some friends!




