100 degrees can be fun

My niece Mia decided to be the entrepreneur of the day at our yard sale this past weekend with her lemonade stand.

She set up shop at the top of the driveway and she greeted every customer with a smile. She was savvy enough to offer the lemonade, wait for the confirmation, and then inform them it was 25 cents a glass.


 One lady gave Mia two quarters and Mia informed her that only one was necessary. The lady told her it was a tip and Mia sighed loudly and said, “That’s okay, you didn’t know how much it cost.” She was forgiving the client for giving her the wrong amount!

At the end of it all, she’d earned $8.50 and a button with a bicyle on it. Not a bad day’s work!

After, it was time to play in the pool. Playing in the pool apparently means trying to splash Aunt Melissa:


She sure knows how to beat the heat!




