Category: Overheard

  • Overheard on street

    At JFK Airport, New York City Heard by Jeff New York City resident, in response to being told bars close at 2 a.m. in Charlotte: “It’s because people don’t want to be around drunk rednecks.”

  • Overheard on street

    At JFK Airport, New York City Heard by Jeff New York City resident, in response to being told bars close at 2 a.m. in Charlotte: “It’s because people don’t want to be around drunk rednecks.”

  • Overheard on street

    At Coffee Shop Bar, Union Square West, New York City Two girls are discussing a guy that Girl A is dating. Girl A is upset because Guy has not been contacting her as frequently as she thinks he should. So last week, she tells Girl B, he sent her a text message. “A text message! So I called…