Tag: 9/11

  • Recording the news, becoming part of history

    I’ve struggled with what to write today. I’m on my first day back from a weekend in Key West and I’m busy, busy catching up with work and I couldn’t wait to blog about my recent trips. But we don’t always get to choose when news is going to happen. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have time…

  • Recording the news, becoming part of history

    I’ve struggled with what to write today. I’m on my first day back from a weekend in Key West and I’m busy, busy catching up with work and I couldn’t wait to blog about my recent trips. But we don’t always get to choose when news is going to happen. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have time…

  • Sniper cars and bomber shacks and photographs that will make you cry

    Ok, so I showed you the bathrooms of this place already. But that’s nowhere near the coolest part. I’m not a huge museum person. Well, I am and I’m not. I always enjoy going but I typically like to just visit certain exhibits that call my name. I don’t need to look at everything. This…

  • Sniper cars and bomber shacks and photographs that will make you cry

    Ok, so I showed you the bathrooms of this place already. But that’s nowhere near the coolest part. I’m not a huge museum person. Well, I am and I’m not. I always enjoy going but I typically like to just visit certain exhibits that call my name. I don’t need to look at everything. This…

  • Where I was

    Last year, I was in New York City and I heard the names being read, first on the TV in my hotel room. Later I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan, and they were still reading. So many names. It was so quiet in that corner of the city, that section where the towers…

  • September 11, 2008

    It was a quiet city, at least in the area of Ground Zero. People were silent as they walked around. I didn’t see anyone crying, but I did see T-shirts and signs … some claiming cover-ups about the attacks, others asking for remembrance, with flags and patriotism and claims to “Never Forget.” There were pictures…

  • September 11, 2001

    On that day 7 years ago, I was still a rookie copy editor and page designer at the newspaper. Fresh from college, I had been working there just 9 months, and this day would be the first day I would see what an impact working for the media can have – not just on the…

  • September 11, 2001

    On that day 7 years ago, I was still a rookie copy editor and page designer at the newspaper. Fresh from college, I had been working there just 9 months, and this day would be the first day I would see what an impact working for the media can have – not just on the…