Tag: Garmin

  • Apple, a 5-mile run and Barenaked Ladies

    My run could have appeared in an Apple commercial yesterday. I was on a 5-mile run, and I had taken my water belt with me. Typically I only do that if I’m running 6 miles or longer, but I was feeling a little dehydrated. I was a little bored with my Shuffle playlist, so I…

  • Proof that I’m a dork

    Okay, so last week I wrote a post about how much I enjoy spending time in Athens since the city is so walkable. And I mentioned that I would really like to just wear my watch on a night of bar-hopping to see how many calories one would burn. And with some courage from you…

  • On walkable cities

    Charlotte is trying. Charlotte’s been converting four-lane roads to two-lane roads with bike lanes and sidewalks. They are doing this in order not to miss out on some government spending. I am happy with this. In doing some research to attempt to find information about this, I came across a blog post about walking to…

  • “Do you have any drugs?”

    Who needs drugs? When you can go out for an early-morning stroll and see this:   And when you get to the top you’re surrounded by rolling hills like this:   —  We hit the Appalachian Trail this past weekend for some exercise and some R&R. A few in the group are doing a South Beyond 6000…

  • “Do you have any drugs?”

    Who needs drugs? When you can go out for an early-morning stroll and see this:   And when you get to the top you’re surrounded by rolling hills like this:   —  We hit the Appalachian Trail this past weekend for some exercise and some R&R. A few in the group are doing a South Beyond 6000…

  • It’s not enough to run …

    But I have to tell people about it. My reason is because if I slack off, I want people to call me on it! And it makes me want to run just so I can have something to log. I’ve been tracking my runs at Map My Run for about a year now. They have…