Tag: Jason

  • Even better than backpacking

    So, my meeting with Caleb didn’t go as I had planned it to. In fact, I had been scheduled to be at my sister’s on March 1. Which meant I would have been there when Caleb arrived on March 3. But my little stint in the hospital changed those plans. And as I spent time…

  • The story of how an intruder (didn’t) catch me

    So, one of the most wonderful silver linings about the past few weeks is how many visitors I have had. I know I’ve mentioned them to you all along, but it’s just been so touching. Colleen visited me *every day* in the hospital and some at home, as did my parents and Jeff wouldn’t leave…

  • Welcome to Charlotte, y’all

    My friend Anil calls himself a “foodie.” And he’s coming to visit Charlotte for the first time in a few weeks. The only issue with both of those pieces of information is that he’s only coming for three days – and it’s up to me to narrow down all of our excellent food choices into just…

  • A 20-year-old confession

    A memory I am 6 years old and in first grade. Jason is my boyfriend. I’m not sure how this happened, but it had something to do with my sticker book and two pigs kissing and I showed it to him and he liked it. Later I decide I don’t want to have a boyfriend…