Tag: Joy Bauer
On ambien and Joy Bauer
So, you may have heard me reference this little piece of magic that I have recently discovered. Joy Bauer’s “Your Inner Skinny” is a perfect guide to nutrition, in my opinion. She shows you how to get your fruits and vegetables, proteins, fats and carbs all balanced in a healthy way that helps you get…
Keeping healthy, loved, warm and cool
Some of my favorite things from last week: Breakfast with Joy Bauer: From her 3-day detox diet (which is awesome, by the way! I lost 7 lbs. I loved it so much I ran out the day after and bought her “Your Inner Skinny” book.) This shake is 3/4 cup almond milk, 1/2 banana, 1…
Keeping healthy, loved, warm and cool
Some of my favorite things from last week: Breakfast with Joy Bauer: From her 3-day detox diet (which is awesome, by the way! I lost 7 lbs. I loved it so much I ran out the day after and bought her “Your Inner Skinny” book.) This shake is 3/4 cup almond milk, 1/2 banana, 1…
Healthy eating kickstart
So, I’m on a diet. Not a “real” diet. I say that because it only lasts 3 days. I heard about it on the Today Show and I thought it’d be a great start to this healthy eating concept I’d like to follow. So, I suckered Anil into doing it with me, and I realized…
Healthy eating kickstart
So, I’m on a diet. Not a “real” diet. I say that because it only lasts 3 days. I heard about it on the Today Show and I thought it’d be a great start to this healthy eating concept I’d like to follow. So, I suckered Anil into doing it with me, and I realized…