Tag: Natural Awakenings

  • It’s all uphill right now … but I have a hammock.

    Stealing this picture from Kevin’s blog because this is just what I need right now: And lucky for me, I have an awesome brother and friends who invited me to go hiking/camping with them this weekend in Roan Mountain, Tenn. We will be leaving tomorrow evening and hiking 3 peaks (a total of 12 miles.)…

  • Why don’t you look in the mirror, buddy?

    I want to change the subject from all of this marathon talk, for those of you who are sick of hearing me go on and on about it … And today I’ll segway from what I’ve been saying this week – if you believe in yourself, you can do anything – and into a client…

  • Bring it on, November

    Today is the 13th, which means November is almost over. I’ve got 2 more long Saturday runs before tapering starts before my marathon (tapering is running lesser distances to give my muscles a chance to recover before The Big Day.) Tomorrow I run 15 miles, next Saturday 20 miles (gulp!), then 12 miles the following…

  • No idle hands at this house

    This weekend, in pictures and thoughts: The run: I didn’t take pictures of everything, of course. I didn’t photograph me waking up at 4:30 a.m. just to get my run in because I knew I had a busy day ahead. I was home before the sun came up, so it would have been a picture…

  • modern. original. design.

    Had the opportunity to update the ad for Melissa Oyler Designs for the September edition of  Natural Awakenings Magazine (which I also do layout/design for). Check it out – what do you think?

  • On chasing hot, shirtless guys and new bikes and running in the middle of the night

    Busy weekend. I was on deadline this weekend with one of my magazine clients. August is Healthy Kids month, so be sure to pick up your copy of Natural Awakenings if you have kids or if you just want to see my design work! Friday night after working, Jeff and I headed up to Big…

  • On chasing hot, shirtless guys and new bikes and running in the middle of the night

    Busy weekend. I was on deadline this weekend with one of my magazine clients. August is Healthy Kids month, so be sure to pick up your copy of Natural Awakenings if you have kids or if you just want to see my design work! Friday night after working, Jeff and I headed up to Big…