Tag: Nikki

  • … and the pictures to prove it …

    Yesterday I wrote way too many words to describe the Spinx Runfest Half Marathon, Flight of the Vampire 5K weekend experience. Today I’ll overcompensate with way too many pictures. Sound good? And in preparation for the 5K: I was trying to decide what to wear, and in the end, I was happiest with this costume,…

  • I did it. What’s next?

    I am a half-marathoner. I did it. And I can honestly say it could not have gone any better. The weather was absolutely perfect (overcast and rainy, around 60 degrees) for the Spinx Runfest Half Marathon in Greenville, SC. My clothes were perfect, nothing was rubbing or hurting or cutting or annoying. The new race…

  • I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

    I’m in the calm before the storm. All the practice runs have been run. The playlist on the iPod is complete. I’ve done all the research on carbo-loading and energy gels and hydrating that I know to do to this point. I’ve picked out my outfit. All that’s left to do is run. I’m not…