Tag: pet

  • A mistake you may have made

    On Saturday, I saw a very large turtle making a very brave attempt to cross Interstate 485. It was somewhere between lanes 1 and 2 of 3. I wanted to pull over and help it to safety but I was scared I’d become roadkill along with it if I did. My friend Alan said he…

  • And in the night, there was a scream

    I woke up last night to an intruder. Or at least, that’s what I thought I was waking up to. I’m visiting Chris in Athens, and I woke up to him screaming. I sat straight up and went instantly into fight mode. I think my arms were even in punch position. My heart was pounding.…

  • And in the night, there was a scream

    I woke up last night to an intruder. Or at least, that’s what I thought I was waking up to. I’m visiting Chris in Athens, and I woke up to him screaming. I sat straight up and went instantly into fight mode. I think my arms were even in punch position. My heart was pounding.…

  • Puppies are not trash.

    This news story makes me so sad. Five puppies were found in a dumpster outside of Hickory, N.C. Outside of a PetCo, at that. If you’re going to abandon puppies, why not put them at the front door of the PetCo at least? I know I’m preaching to the choir here – no one who…

  • New shoes, check. Doberman, check. 13.1 miles, really?

    Thoughts on an 8.2-mile run: Ready to go. Got my new shoes with new insoles on, got my 80-pound-doberman mix on a leash that wraps around my waist (it takes my whole body strength to get him to do what I want), go my 2.2 liter bottle of water (he drinks a lot) and dog…

  • Hot tub shopping on the day I lost a dear friend

    This isn’t as cool as eating a bologna sandwich beside Chevy Chase, but it’s a message I won’t forget any time soon. A memory One thing I’ve always hated about having pets is how terrible it is when it’s their time to go. When my parents’ dog, Sybil, died when I was in college, my…

  • Some Twitter humor

    For those of you who don’t know Twitter, you really should check it out. I was skeptical myself at first, but I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful it has been – I’ve connected with other creative people, which inspired me during my novel writing time and is inspiring me now as the poetry…

  • Some Twitter humor

    For those of you who don’t know Twitter, you really should check it out. I was skeptical myself at first, but I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful it has been – I’ve connected with other creative people, which inspired me during my novel writing time and is inspiring me now as the poetry…