Tag: photography

  • 7-Day Art Challenge Day 6: Photo shoots

    My friend Tamera tagged me in a 7-day art challenge recently. The rules are simple: post 7 pieces of art on social media and talk about them. So far with my posts, we’ve visited the darkroom, the newsroom, a magazine startup, poetry, and book cover design. Today I want to talk about the beauty that is the photo shoot.…

  • 7 Day Art Challenge Day 1: Winthrop University photography class

    My friend and art idol Tamara Lavalla tagged me recently in a 7-day art challenge. I’ve been a graphic designer/layout editor for the better part of 16 years and I still sit up a little straighter and smile when someone calls me an artist. And when someone as talented as Tamara tags me in an…

  • Don’t bring a camera to a wedding

    Unless you are the photographer, of course. I have worked with wedding photographers for years who have preached this. Your “job” as a wedding guest is to – be a guest. I fully understand why people ignore this – they want their own pictures, they don’t want to have to purchase them from a photographer…

  • Don’t bring a camera to a wedding

    Unless you are the photographer, of course. I have worked with wedding photographers for years who have preached this. Your “job” as a wedding guest is to – be a guest. I fully understand why people ignore this – they want their own pictures, they don’t want to have to purchase them from a photographer…