Tag: Sarah

  • MAC Cosmetics. Salon East 316. A girl’s dream day.

    I have a confession to make. I’ve pretty much been using the same makeup brands for as long as … well, for as long as I’ve been wearing makeup. I was hanging out with Amy one day and she commented that every time she smells Cover Girl powder she thinks of me since that’s what I…

  • The story of how an intruder (didn’t) catch me

    So, one of the most wonderful silver linings about the past few weeks is how many visitors I have had. I know I’ve mentioned them to you all along, but it’s just been so touching. Colleen visited me *every day* in the hospital and some at home, as did my parents and Jeff wouldn’t leave…

  • Welcome to Charlotte, y’all

    My friend Anil calls himself a “foodie.” And he’s coming to visit Charlotte for the first time in a few weeks. The only issue with both of those pieces of information is that he’s only coming for three days – and it’s up to me to narrow down all of our excellent food choices into just…