Holding your hand, all the way to the dragon’s gate

We are having a very frank discussion
about whether one’s nipples
have to be a certain size
in order to be pierced.

Yours are the smallest I’ve seen
but I pinch one and tell you
I bet they could do it

We laugh during these last moments
where all senses are heightened
everything is brighter and louder
just before dawn

At the tattoo parlor I feel it going dark
as Matt the artist draws jasmine,
his vision on my back, with an ink pen

And I have to lay down
I’m not ready for all of this

When you said you were leaving
I told you everything would change
and yet, here we are
different and still the same

Tomorrow you will get on a plane
Head to California with a koi on your arm
show your girlfriend at sushi night
and she will applaud you
for swimming upstream.



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8 responses to “Holding your hand, all the way to the dragon’s gate”

  1. […] of friends, a few of us that hung out a lot and enjoyed each other’s company perfectly. Then Ronnie moved away. And now he is coming back – about 2 weeks after Susan […]

  2. […] of friends, a few of us that hung out a lot and enjoyed each other’s company perfectly. Then Ronnie moved away. And now he is coming back – about 2 weeks after Susan […]

  3. […] not the only one who loves the art not for the money; I smile as one of my closest friends moved to the West Coast to find himself – and the best part?  He came back, and with a wife and a baby … and, […]

  4. […] not the only one who loves the art not for the money; I smile as one of my closest friends moved to the West Coast to find himself – and the best part?  He came back, and with a wife and a baby … and, […]