I heart my nieces

Wanted to take a minute to show off my beautiful nieces and some of my design work at the same time … I designed these birth announcements for my sister-in-law and my brother for their baby girl, born in early September. Isn’t she beautiful?

If you want more, I wrote about them here not too long ago.



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3 responses to “I heart my nieces”

  1. Jeffrey Avatar

    For a second I thought you were trying to RickRoll us again! I love the picture of Mia giving Sadie a kiss.

  2. Colleen Avatar

    Gorgeous! You do such great work!

  3. […] a great looking blog!  If anyone out there needs any type of graphic design done, whether it is a birth announcement or a photo book for wedding memories, Melissa Oyler Designs is certainly the place to go.  I am […]