Learning baseball from an experienced player

It was off season for the home team
but we parked your car in the back
of the empty visitor’s practice lot
began rounding the bases anyway

No hot dogs for sale this winter day
but a look in your eye and time
on our side, you pulled me in close.
I said, “Honey, let’s go slow?”

and you tried not to look amused,
said “You must not know this game
but trust me, I know how to play
and it really is all about the score.”


Read Heather’s baseball poem here.
Read Phil’s baseball poem here.
Read Thomas’ baseball poem here.



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5 responses to “Learning baseball from an experienced player”

  1. Heather Avatar

    Ahhh, double-entendre!

    Last blog post from Heather – Poetry Assignment: Baseball

  2. Amy Avatar

    Love it…I was laughing as soon as I read the title.

    Last blog post from Amy – iPhone Drama Continues

  3. red_ascot Avatar

    that. is. hilarious!
    love it!

    Last blog post from red_ascot – Getting the word out…

  4. Elwood Avatar

    2 poems in a row about sex in cars…really thinking about that Cutlass, weren’t you? 😉

    Last blog post from Elwood – At Least None of Them are Gold Foil…Yet.

  5. Melissa Avatar

    Haha probably! Everyone should read Elwood’s post …


    Especially you, Amy … of course I instantly thought of the Tracer when I read it!