Why exes can’t be friends

You may have noticed the links to poetryassignment.com at the bottom of many of my poems lately. If you haven’t checked out the site yet, you really should! Still in the beginning stages but we have so many great poets on there already. Not a great poet? It’s ok – come anyway! It’s amazing what a little bit of practice will do … and you never know until you try.

One thing I have learned from the site is what a drabble is. According to Heather Harris of poetryassignment.com: “Drabbles: While technically a prose style, drabbles have been deemed acceptable for posting on PoetryAssignment.  The only iron-clad rule for being allowed to call something a drabble is that it must tell a story or scene in exactly 100 words.  The number of the counting shall be 100.  101 is right out!  Neither shalt thou count to 99, unless thou then proceedest to 100.”

I tell you this to tell you that I wrote my first drabble the other day – and it was so much fun! So if you don’t consider yourself a poet, why not get your feet wet by trying a drabble? Here, I’ll show you mine …


Why exes can’t be friends

He asked her to pick out his shirt and tie for the wedding she would no longer be attending. As he uninvited her he had told her he was bringing The Other Woman. Still she held her troubled head high and told him lavender would bring out his brown eyes. But she drew the line when he asked her to pick up flowers from Dean & Deluca; instead feigned confusion as he held up the bag of whole-wheat flour. “What am I supposed to do with this?” he asked as she shrugged shoulders and didn’t attempt to hide cunning smile.


Read other drabbles here.






3 responses to “Why exes can’t be friends”

  1. warzabidul Avatar

    Hehe, cheeky 🙂

    Last blog post from warzabidul – The Social Media Lifestyle

  2. Elwood Avatar

    I did a drabble!

    Last blog post from Elwood – Caption Me! #17

  3. Heather Avatar

    Awesome, awesome!
    I just submitted my first drabble for the “pasta” assignment. Also, I suppose this is giving away half the fun, but I’m grumpy that the Easter Egg didn’t copy. Guess folks will just have to look at the post on the FAQ page to find it!

    Last blog post from Heather – The Darkest Evening of the Year