I heart my job

I’m putting together some files for my web site’s portfolio (it’s about time!), and I am reminded of how much I absolutely love designing wedding albums.

My favorite part about my wedding albums is they’re not just picture books – I am a journalist by trade, so I enjoy telling stories. Rather than showcasing just the wedding photography, I am showcasing the wedding – and the couple. Their story – how they met, how they fell in love, the intimate and fun details of their wedding … that’s what they want to see as the years go by.

If you want, take a look at some spreads from my sister’s wedding in 2006. I’ll post other examples of other wedding later. Tell me what you think!




















































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12 responses to “I heart my job”

  1. Amy Avatar

    I love all your wedding albums!

    Last blog post from Amy – Victim of OCD

  2. Amy Avatar

    I love all your wedding albums!

    Last blog post from Amy – Victim of OCD

  3. Jim Mitchem @smashad Avatar

    You do amazing work Melissa.

    Last blog post from Jim Mitchem @smashad – If you follow me on Twitter, I’ll do De Niro.

  4. Jim Mitchem @smashad Avatar

    You do amazing work Melissa.

    Last blog post from Jim Mitchem @smashad – If you follow me on Twitter, I’ll do De Niro.

  5. Colleen Avatar

    You are so creative! They are all so beautiful and unique! I can’t wait until I get married. 😉

  6. Colleen Avatar

    You are so creative! They are all so beautiful and unique! I can’t wait until I get married. 😉

  7. Elwood Avatar

    Outstanding! I feel like I was there, and like I *know* Chuck and Jenny. Fantastic work, M.

    Last blog post from Elwood – Toy Story 41: Open Mic Night

  8. Elwood Avatar

    Outstanding! I feel like I was there, and like I *know* Chuck and Jenny. Fantastic work, M.

    Last blog post from Elwood – Toy Story 41: Open Mic Night

  9. […] Weddings Posted January 15, 2009 Filed under: Memory | Tags: Marriage | I ran across something beautiful today. Melissa, a flirtatious virtual friend, posted some of her wedding album design work. […]

  10. […] Weddings Posted January 15, 2009 Filed under: Memory | Tags: Marriage | I ran across something beautiful today. Melissa, a flirtatious virtual friend, posted some of her wedding album design work. […]

  11. […] there needs any type of graphic design done, whether it is a birth announcement or a photo book for wedding memories, Melissa Oyler Designs is certainly the place to go.  I am constantly amazed by what talent my […]

  12. […] there needs any type of graphic design done, whether it is a birth announcement or a photo book for wedding memories, Melissa Oyler Designs is certainly the place to go.  I am constantly amazed by what talent my […]