How do you help someone with a newborn?

I am soooo loving my time here, taking care of my nephew and getting to know him. My poor sister has to get up every 3 hours to feed him, so she’s not getting much sleep. We all take turns watching him when he’s not feeding so that Jenny can get some sleep, but there are 4 of us right now (Jenny, Chuck, Chuck’s mom, and me.) Sometimes, I feel like I’m not doing enough – when all of us are sitting watching one baby, what should I be doing?

They have people bringing them food from their church but I’m going by the store today to get some food just to stock their pantry. I figure it can’t hurt.

I’m taking their dog to get a bath and then bringing her home today (she’s been staying at my aunt’s.)

Yesterday I made their bed after Jenny complained that she would never have time to make her bed again. I also straightened up their house, dusted, vaccuumed and Febreezed everything. I’ve been helping with laundry and Chuck’s mom cleaned the kitchen and she will clean the bathrooms.

I do feel like I’m helping. I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can. I’ve never had a baby before so I don’t always know what’s needed – and I’m in their home, eating their food, taking up space in their 2-bedroom apartment, so I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can! So, those who have children, what have I not thought of doing?

The best part is, hands down, getting to know Cai. I freakin love that child.

My grandmother, Mia, holding Cai. Jenny is the tired mom with the bright smile, and me, the proud aunt!
My grandmother, Mia, holding Cai. Jenny is the tired mom with the bright smile, and me, the proud aunt!







5 responses to “How do you help someone with a newborn?”

  1. Amy Avatar

    WOW, sounds like you are being the best aunt EVER! I think food was always the biggest thing. I just wanted it to materialize in front of me. I will never forget a huge, warm plate of food a mother of 4 brought me along with a huge chocolate pie.
    Also, showers were a huge deal. I felt like I never got one until 3pm. As far as the baby, I was happy to be the one to take care of them. I just wanted everyone to do everything else 🙂 Laundry, vacuuming, etc…sounds like you are doing it right!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Mid-Week Random =-.

  2. Kevin Avatar

    Yeah, it sounds like you are doing great! The best thing to do is just take care of stuff, because Jenny probably won’t want to ask. I wish I could be there helping too! Tell everyone hello for me – especially Cai!

  3. Sam Avatar

    Sounds like the only thing left is prepare to take a step back. Mom, Dad and Baby need some time to settle into their own groove. The hard part is a couple weeks away when the sleep deprivation turns parents into zombies. Be around to give them time for the Saturday afternoon nap, they will probably appreciate that more than a date night.

  4. Carmen Avatar

    Sounds like you are doing great Lis!! I know Jenny really appreciates all you are doing to help! All the things you listed are very important. A new Mom is SO overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of being completely responsible for this brand new little person that all the day to day routine stuff seems at first impossible to do and take care of baby! It is wonderful that you can be there to help her until she gets back in the swing of things. All those things you’re doing mean the world.(Trust me, I know, being that I’ve had a newborn 4 times over now!) I’ll never forget all the help I was given by my wonderful supportive husband, my mom, my sister, my aunt, and my church. I was truly blessed and it made the transition so much easier for me. Keep up the good work Auntie Lissa!!
    BTW~ Jenny grew up to be a lovely young woman! I still think of her as just a kid! I wish her the best! Oh and Cai is such a cutie!

  5. Jenny Avatar

    Melissa you are taking such good care of me that I even have time right now to play on the internet and read all the sweet things people said about Cai! I don’t know how we would have made it through this first week without all your help–I definitely would have been a lot more stressed and probably would have cried everyday, but I get to get rest and enjoy our son and enjoy you also! It has been so good having you here, taking up room in our apartment and eating the food we were given as a gift! Chuck and I wouldn’t be able to eat it all anyway so we are joyful to share! And you have done so much for us–I was blown away with the bath and brushing you got Mickey and the food is awesome! And now you are here again so I’m going to go but thanks for everything!!!!