I’m going to be slightly vague with this post as to not incriminate any actors or reality TV shows.
I was watching TV last week with my aunt Josie and uncle Pete, and Pete turned it onto a reality show, similar in nature to COPS. (Dialogue might not be exact, but I’ll try to remember as best as I can.)
Pete: I love this show.
Josie: I bet it’s staged.
Pete: It is not staged! It’s real!
Me: I have a friend that is an actor in L.A. that got hired to play a part on one of these shows. I don’t remember which one, but he is an actor so what does that say?
Josie: See, I told you!
Pete: No, it’s real.
A few minutes of watching the show/laughing at the show goes on …
Me: That’s him! That’s my friend right there!!
And it was. My friend the actor, on reality TV. Some of you surely know exactly who I am talking about, but to protect the delicate nature of this reality show *snicker* I’ll not reveal his name or the show’s. Once I got over the initial excitement of seeing him on TV, and the laughter that came with bursting Pete’s bubble about his favorite reality show, I texted my friend to get him to confirm the false-ness.
I condensed the text to just enough to show on one screen, but this is the gist of what he said:
So now my aunt has a new best friend and my uncle is watching COPS. Because that’s real reality tv.
One response to “From L.A. to SC – reality television at its finest”
I really think that this episode of that show could singlehandedly bring the reality show industry to its knees if we keep ruining it for the people addicted to it this way.
.-= Heather´s last blog ..In Blackest Day, In Tightest Tights… =-.