I was talking to Jenny yesterday and we were discussing some social faux pas, such as staring at someone’s computer screen while they are working, or watching someone nursing a baby a little too closely …
Truthfully, I think many of these sorts of things happen when people are zoning out, not paying attention. Looking but not really looking, you know?
Reminded me of a story:
When I was in high school I was dating a guy whose mother decided to get 2 kittens. I am an animal person, but I have never lived with cats – only dogs. And I always felt just a bit uncomfortable at her house – not quite sure what to talk about, how to act, etc. So I focused my attention to these two cute furballs. I spent lots of time petting them, playing with their toys with them, following them around.
One day, one of the kittens disappeared into a plastic contraption that looked to my eyes like a doghouse for cats (I told you, I’m a dog person), and so I figured the cat wandered in there to take a nap. I was already sitting on the floor, so I crawled around to the doorway of the “cathouse” to try to get the cat’s attention. I came face-t0-face with a kitty that probably did not want to be disturbed at that moment, as I had just encountered my first litterbox. Let me reiterate I was in high school. I so should have known what a litterbox was by then.
Took me a moment to realize what was going on, and I glanced up then at the adults in the room, only to see a bewildered look on the boyfriend’s mother’s face. She probably wondered why I wanted to stare at a cat doing his business …
Also, I was reading Amy’s blog yesterday in which she told a story about sticking her foot in her mouth (something I feel I do often.) I mentioned this in her comments, but I thought I’d retell a similar story here:
I was at a childhood friend’s wedding, and I had not seen her family in years. Everyone was there – her mother, her father, her stepmother and stepfather, her two younger brothers and her younger cousins. I was amazed to see her brother- who was in diapers the last I saw him – as a pre-teen. And her other brother, a gawky middle-schooler once, was now coming into adulthood. When did that happen? So I decided to proclaim, just a little too loudly, that “everyone has gotten so old!”
To which her stepmother gave me an eat-shit-and-die look. I swear, the comment was not meant for her!
3 responses to “On social graces”
You know, I find myself sometimes watching JC use the litterbox. When I’m gone for a long weekend I guess he gets pissy and drops a few pieces here and there, but on the floor. Like he’s trying to be funny. So I’ll watch him sometimes to see if he’s doing it on purpose of if they’re just sticking to his pads. Never happens when I watch though, so I think he does it on purpose. The bugger.
Good story, Melissa. By the way, JC thinks you should come visit.
.-= Chris´s last blog ..211 miles later… We did it!!! =-.
That cat one was hilarious!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..The Crafts-man =-.
That is hilarious! I wish I could have seen their faces when you stared at that cat!
.-= Kevin´s last blog ..a race of a lifetime =-.