The best voicemail I ever got

Was recorded at 3 a.m. today.

My good friend Michael came up with a really great Christmas present idea, which he blogged about here.

The gist is this:

For Christmas presents this year, he would serenade his friend via phone. All we had to do is tell him what time to call and what day, and what song.

I was all over this.

And I knew exactly what I wanted him to sing. It would be the perfect welcome to the holidays.

I told him I wanted the following:

“Baby, it’s Cold Outside”

Sung to me on December 1

at 3 a.m.

(midnight his time.)

He said to me, “You do know this is a duet, right?”


He said, “So … I’m trying to get MYSELF drunk and cozy?”


I was sleeping when the phone call came in, but barely. I almost answered it but I knew I wanted it on my voice mail so I could hear it any time (one of his friend’s ideas) and then I made myself wait till morning to listen lest I accidentally delete it when I was half asleep or something.

He told me I was the first person he’d serenaded (well, duh. Why do you think I picked 3 a.m. East Coat time on December 1?)

And then he sang. And it was awesome. He sang both parts. The entire song. And it was the best voice mail I could have gotten.

I gotta think of a great gift for him in return, because this just takes the cake of presents. And no, I’m not singing. He does not want my voice on his voice mail, trust me.






14 responses to “The best voicemail I ever got”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Hehe, that’s cool 🙂
    .-= Chris´s last blog ..Pen-flation =-.

  2. Chris Avatar

    Hehe, that’s cool 🙂
    .-= Chris´s last blog ..Pen-flation =-.

  3. BusyDad Avatar

    That is an awesome song! But singing both parts? Did he have to fake a female voice? Either way, it rocks as a gift.
    .-= BusyDad´s last blog ..Blog Posts a la King =-.

  4. BusyDad Avatar

    That is an awesome song! But singing both parts? Did he have to fake a female voice? Either way, it rocks as a gift.
    .-= BusyDad´s last blog ..Blog Posts a la King =-.

  5. Kevin Avatar

    That is awesome! Great idea! I kind of want to hear it now!
    .-= Kevin´s last blog ..10,000 calories burned, here we come! =-.

  6. Kevin Avatar

    That is awesome! Great idea! I kind of want to hear it now!
    .-= Kevin´s last blog ..10,000 calories burned, here we come! =-.

  7. crystal Avatar

    That is so sweet and creative 🙂 It would cool if you could use it as a ring tone 🙂 I would also like to hear it, can he sing good?

  8. crystal Avatar

    That is so sweet and creative 🙂 It would cool if you could use it as a ring tone 🙂 I would also like to hear it, can he sing good?

  9. Amy Avatar

    Sooooo jealous! I LOOOOOOOVE that song. Is he taking requests?
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Oh Blog, I missed you. =-.

  10. Amy Avatar

    Sooooo jealous! I LOOOOOOOVE that song. Is he taking requests?
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Oh Blog, I missed you. =-.

  11. Mikey H Avatar
    Mikey H

    @BusyDad, I didn’t fake a female voice, but I did get a LITTLE higher in my register. 🙂
    @Amy, I totally am! Just get my contact info from Melissa or FB or something!

  12. Mikey H Avatar
    Mikey H

    @BusyDad, I didn’t fake a female voice, but I did get a LITTLE higher in my register. 🙂
    @Amy, I totally am! Just get my contact info from Melissa or FB or something!

  13. Melissa Avatar

    Mikey forgot to answer the question about whether he’s any good – and the answer is yes! I would totally sing karaoke with him … well, if I could sing, that is …

  14. Melissa Avatar

    Mikey forgot to answer the question about whether he’s any good – and the answer is yes! I would totally sing karaoke with him … well, if I could sing, that is …