A new way to see Charlotte

Via foot.

I can’t stop thinking about how much of it I will see during my marathon this weekend. And how amazingly close things start to seem when you travel on your own two legs.

So, if you know anything about Charlotte, do me a favor and take a good look at this map. Can you believe how much of the Queen City the course covers?

It will be a beautiful run, through Uptown and Meyers Park and NoDa and Plaza Midwood. Too bad I’m not one to take in the scenes while I’m running – I’m usually too busy looking at the sidewalk to make sure I don’t trip!

Thunder Road Marathon






9 responses to “A new way to see Charlotte”

  1. Chris Avatar

    It is pretty awesome! You’re gonna do great and I’ll be there cheering you on from the sidelines. Hopefully without the moon boot, too!
    .-= Chris´s last blog ..Pen-flation =-.

  2. Amy Avatar

    Dad pointed me to this map the other day and while I agree you should have a great tour of Charlotte, the map gives me palpitations just looking at it. Once again, you are superwoman to me!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Couch to 5k iPhone app =-.

  3. Amy Avatar

    Your awesomeness has already been noted but if you like I can pile it on: You Rock Mama! Good luck with the run.

    Any chance you’ve got a Flip Video cam? Can you wear it around your neck so we can see the city too?

    Or maybe one of your super fans can follow you w/ a camera crew?
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Bliss =-.

  4. Sweigart Avatar

    You are gonna do great! I just told Kevin today that I wont be able to be there, but I will be cheering you guys on in spirit!
    I do like the camera idea though, is there a way we can get this going? Then everyone could get together for a screening of ‘A run through Charlotte’ 🙂

  5. Melissa Avatar

    I love that Flip idea! Whoever wants to buy me one can have the first showing of the 4-5 hour movie of Charlotte. Just make sure you don’t get motion sickness …

  6. Crystal Avatar

    can we just buy one, watch it and take it back? haha
    That is an awesome idea 🙂 you need one of those headbands that go on your head with the camera!

  7. […] program to a T and is doing great and injury free.  Check out her many blog posts, including this […]

  8. Kevin Avatar

    That would be awesome to see a video of someone running a marathon! Might be less boring with a Keyan running a 2 hour marathon, though. 🙂
    .-= Kevin´s last blog ..under 3 days to go! =-.

  9. […] posted this already on this blog post, but I thought it worthy enough to show again.  Just looking at the map is still staggering to […]