Relax. Enjoy.

Dell is coming to work on my laptop today (new screen, keyboard, an network card) and Windows 7 is being installed and whatever else Jeff is doing with it …

So today I’m blogging on my iPhone. This post will be short.

I’m in official relax mode before the marathon on Saturday. I went Christmas shopping for 6 hours yesterday in my knee-high boots, and that probably wasn’t the smartest idea. My ankles were sore at the end of it. So, no more boots until after Saturday. I might be rocking the sexy Tevas with socks :/.

I’m going for a massage today. I cannot wait. Then I’m going to babysit for Ronnie’s baby so Sally can take him out for a birthday dinner. And then I will get a good night’s sleep – Hal Higdin says tonight’s sleep is more important than tomorrow nights. This is good because I expect to not sleep a wink on Friday night!

They were calling for a wintry mix on Saturday morning – all before noon (I will be running until 12:30 or so) but now they are saying freezing rain at night. Good for the race, bad for the after party!

Come relax with me today …






5 responses to “Relax. Enjoy.”

  1. urbanvox Avatar

    I wish I could head into relax mode too… 🙂
    about to kill someone!!!
    .-= urbanvox´s last blog ..UrbanVox Photography Reel 2009 =-.

  2. Elwood Avatar

    I’m so excited for you!!

    I still contend that long-distance runners are bugnuts, but if it makes you happy it makes me happy. 🙂

    Kick Ass, Em.
    .-= Elwood´s last blog ..Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude =-.

  3. Jessica Avatar

    I’m definitely doing that today, for the first day in MONTHS! I am decorating my house for Christmas, then picking up my bike from the shop and headed to cycling class. That may not sound like relaxing to some, but not having to spend 2-4 hours of my day doing schoolwork is SO nice! Have fun today!

  4. Chris Avatar

    The massage is perfect timing, nice. Hope you enjoy it. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, woo hoo!
    .-= Chris´s last blog ..Usabilty means living up to users’ expectations =-.

  5. Kevin Avatar

    Awesome! I wish I could relax more, but hence, I am at work. 🙁 Oh well, so excited for tomorrow!
    .-= Kevin´s last blog ..under 3 days to go! =-.