Update on my grandmother in the hospital

My grandmother is 93 years old and she’s one of the healthiest people I know. She’s always been very active, even mowing her own grass on her 1-acre property up until recently. She spends her days gardening and weeding and generally doing anything she can to be outdoors. Time spent at her house as a child was spent actively – going on walks or swimming in the lake.

As a child, I decided Mia (that’s what we call her) would live until at least 101. The reason was because my great grandfather lived until 101 and he was active and healthy too. He even fell off a church roof at age 85, with little consequence.

So, at 93, Mia has a lot of time left. She does. Which is why it’s so hard to see her in the hospital.

What she has is apparently complicated, and if Dr. House was a real person he would possibly enjoy a case like this.

I just found out about this yesterday, so I haven’t even had a chance to Google it (which means the information I have is second or third hand.) They suspect she has a rare disease called Retroperitoneal Fibrosis. It typically affects 40-60 year-old men, not 93-year-old women.

It can apparently affect all of her organs, from the throat to the groin. The cure is surgery. But they won’t do the surgery on her as it’s too invasive and, at her age, she surely wouldn’t survive.

So instead, they are doing smaller, less invasive surgeries. They installed some stints that her body rejected because of the disease. So tomorrow they will install different stints, which may or may not work.

She is generally uncomfortable, nauseous and in pain. She’s more talkative today than she was yesterday. She’s ready to go home.

My uncle said that this could do her in. My aunt says that at 93, anything could do her in. I say she has lots of time left, and she’s tough. Why else would she have fired her landscapers, just a few years ago, because she could do a better job herself?






11 responses to “Update on my grandmother in the hospital”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Poor thing. She’s in my thoughts and I hope the new stints work.

  2. Justin Avatar

    Well wishes to her and everyone –

  3. Nikki Avatar

    I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandma! Praying for her!! Grandmas should live forever!

  4. Christina Avatar

    That is awful, your poor grandmother! I hope she feels better soon.
    Your rare disorder mention made me curious (I work for a biotech and our only product is for a rare disorder), so I looked it up. According to Medline: Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare disorder in which the tubes (ureters) that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder are blocked by a mass in the area behind the stomach and intestines.

    You can read more here: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000463.htm

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed for your family.
    .-= Christina´s last blog ..Pink Elephants and Purple Gorillas =-.

  5. Crystal Avatar

    Hey Melissa
    We have surely been praying for Mia and the family and will continue to do so! I was cracking up this morning reading that she calls him Dr. Butt hahaha.

  6. Elwood Avatar

    Keeping Mia in my thoughts. If she’s as strong as you say, she’ll knock this no problem. 🙂
    .-= Elwood´s last blog ..Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude =-.

  7. Heather Avatar

    Lots and lots of time.
    Even so, all my good thoughts go to you and your family anyway.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Happy New Year! =-.

  8. Whitney Avatar

    Oh! I’m so sorry to hear about this!! I’ll definitely keep Mia and you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    If you need anything… let us know!
    .-= Whitney´s last blog ..Your lost your Moleskine? What’s in it for me? =-.

  9. […] On another note, my Grandmother, Great Mia, is in the hospital with kidney complications.  Read more about it on Melissa’s post. […]

  10. Yuri @ urbanvox HQ Avatar

    What is it with people????
    Don;t they know that the older the tougher people gets????
    My grandma is invensible as well. She’s also in and out of the hospitals a lot lately…
    she’ll be fine! you’ll see!! 🙂
    .-= Yuri @ urbanvox HQ´s last blog ..The Mystery Trip Unravelled (lol) =-.

  11. […] Update on my grandmother in the hospital […]