Beer, friends and fun on a Sunday afternoon

Welcome to the Classic City Brewfest

What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than at Classic City Brewfest? And on top of that, to be invited by one of my favorite friends who loves beer? I’m in!

I’ve been to wine tastings but never a beer tasting before. I like beer. I don’t always know what to order when it comes to beer, but hanging around Chris has actually changed that a little for me. In hanging out with him, I’ve learned some basics: I like Hefferveisens, Wheat Beers, and some Pilsners. I’ve learned what an IPA is and that I don’t like it. I’ve learned that although I’m a beer drinker, I’m a girly beer drinker. Any beer that comes with a slice of fruit is the perfect beer for me. Or if it has a fruity flavor (I love strawberry, apricot, orange flavored beers.) So, I was excited to see what we would find!

First, they handed us these awesome beads, in the shape of beer mugs:

beer beads 

And we got these cups for tasting:

beer mini mugs

And we were off! The hilarious-in-hindsight part to this is that we started in one room that was downstairs, and that room hosted beers like: Shocktop. Michelob. Not to knock any of these beers, but Chris in particular was going nuts … “We paid $40 for this?!?” Luckily for us, the band was just a little too loud so we decided to see what was upstairs. Ahhh, there are the brewers we wanted to see and were happy to meet. Highland. Thomas Creek. Chimay. Stone.

We found our friends Jonathan, Morgan, Daniel and Becky, and we realized we had a little bit of time to sample a lot of beer. So we got to work!

Daniel, Becky, Morgan

We did notice a lot of people walking around with necklaces made of pretzels. At first I thought it was just in case they needed a snack, with amused me – there was a snack bar at the venue!

pretzel necklace

But then we realized that they serve a different purpose – to cleanse the palatte between tastings. And someone gave Becky a necklace. And the more we drank, the more we liked Becky’s necklace …

pretzel necklace

Chris was smart and took pictures of all of the beers he liked. Many of my favorites were beers I’ve had before (Strawberry Harvest, La Fin Du Monde), but I found some new favorites too (Pangea – made with ingredients from all 7 continents; how cool is that? and Orange Blossom.)

We did find this sign amusing:

Persons who appear intoxicated will not be served.

Which was funny since 90% of the people there were clearly intoxicated by the end. Not us, though. We didn’t appear intoxicated at all.

 Jonathan and Becky

Chris gets Sierra Nevada hookup

drinking beer

And after the festival was over? No, we totally didn’t go to a bar and order more beer. No, we didn’t do that at all.

At Pauley's after the beer tasting

Not drunk at Pauley's

Overall: A great day, most of which I remember, and I hope Chris invites me again next year – was awesome! Maybe he’ll even blog about his favorite beers (hint, hint …)


14 responses to “Beer, friends and fun on a Sunday afternoon”

  1. Staci Avatar

    How fun!!
    .-= Staci´s last blog ..31 Things for my 31st Birthday 😉 =-.

  2. Staci Avatar

    How fun!!
    .-= Staci´s last blog ..31 Things for my 31st Birthday 😉 =-.

  3. Chris Avatar

    One hell of a good time. Glad you could be there to share it with me. Also, you introduced me to a few beers too lady, such as La Fin Du Monde – excellent, by the way.

  4. Chris Avatar

    One hell of a good time. Glad you could be there to share it with me. Also, you introduced me to a few beers too lady, such as La Fin Du Monde – excellent, by the way.

  5. Morgan Avatar

    Next year I promise to be more fun!

  6. Morgan Avatar

    Next year I promise to be more fun!

  7. Jeffrey Avatar

    And to think, I was making beer with friends at the same time. And drinking. And drinking. And I am sure there was food in there somewhere.
    .-= Jeffrey´s last blog ..Adobe Photoshop CS5 =-.

  8. Jeffrey Avatar

    And to think, I was making beer with friends at the same time. And drinking. And drinking. And I am sure there was food in there somewhere.
    .-= Jeffrey´s last blog ..Adobe Photoshop CS5 =-.

  9. Graham Avatar

    Was there any Schlitz?
    .-= Graham´s last blog .. =-.

  10. Graham Avatar

    Was there any Schlitz?
    .-= Graham´s last blog .. =-.

  11. […] to attend another beer festival this past weekend in Rock Hill. This comes only two weeks after the festival in Athens that Chris took me to. I was super-stoked about this one – it was called “Mountain Jam […]

  12. […] to attend another beer festival this past weekend in Rock Hill. This comes only two weeks after the festival in Athens that Chris took me to. I was super-stoked about this one – it was called “Mountain Jam […]