Melissa, Oh: Cure for the common headache

So I’m on the way to sunny Florida today, and the great thing about owning a laptop is that I’m never bored. I spent the first few hours of the drive working on a client deadline, then stopped at a Denny’s to recharge (literally; my battery was going dead and I couldn’t find my car charger but then I got here and found it at the bottom of my laptop bag and can you tell I have had a lot of coffee?)

So, after finishing up some work using Denny’s free wi-fi, I looked in on my email. And saw this message waiting for me:

ok ok I admit it………… 
 My name is Crystal and I’m addict to Melissa’s blog post.
This is why it does not help my headache when I check the link several times a day and there’s no new post. It makes me sad, and my head still hurts. Nothing to get my mind off it. uuggghhh

Super duper awesome. Not that Crystal has a headache, but that she notices when I don’t blog. Which means I have to cure her headache pronto!

Some cures for headaches (off the top of my head):

= Advil
= Booze
= Sex
= coffee
= Chocolate
= 80s dancing
= Funny movies 
= Morphine

(wait, maybe those are cures for heartbreak. Or maybe those are cures for any ailments …)

Crystal, if it makes you feel any better about your headache I’ll give you something to sympathize with: I’m going to Florida to let my father-in-law stick a drill in my mouth. So I’ll get to truly test how much he likes me.

(He is a dentist. Not a construction worker. Just to make that clear.)

Who else knows a cure for a headache? Or any other ailment? And who else is doing something sunny this weekend? That may or may not involve drills?






7 responses to “Melissa, Oh: Cure for the common headache”

  1. Crystal Avatar

    I wish I had to go to Florida to see the dentist 🙂 Tomorrow, as long as the sunny part cooperates, we’re laying by the pool and cooking out! and I’ve tried exedrine, maybe I will try the caffiene next!! Thanks Melissa 🙂

  2. Kevin Avatar

    Who knew a blog post could help so much? Great job Melissa! Maybe now your site will get AMA approval!

  3. Melissa Avatar

    Additional thought: NPR did a show today about handwashing actually helping to relieve anxiety, stress, and negative feelings. It literally triggers something in the brain to “wash it away.”

    I posted this on Twitter and Whitney responded with “runs to the bathroom.” I was going to respond later with “right behind you” … except I realized:

    Since hearing the radio show, I’d stopped at two bathrooms, and NEITHER HAD RUNNING WATER.

    What the heck is the universe trying to tell me??

  4. Elwood Avatar

    I don’t eat at Denny’s much anymore, but now I’m craving Moons Over my Hammy.
    .-= Elwood´s last blog ..Cinematic Blues – May 11, 2010 =-.

  5. Heather Avatar

    Especially the Morphine song “Cure for Pain.”

    (I know at least Jeff was thinking it…)
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..I’m just drawn that way =-.

  6. urbanvox Avatar

    a hot hot shower!!!!!! 😉
    I agree on the sex one… although my wife seems to disagree…

    FLORIDA???? I wants… 🙁
    .-= urbanvox´s last blog ..You can’t change the facts… =-.

  7. Whitney Avatar

    For the record… Melissa is totally right. I did actually run to the bathroom and wash my hands in some fantastically hot running water (sorry you didn’t have any, Melissa) and it was amazing. Like this huge sigh of relief. Only problem was, I didn’t exactly want to stop and return to the real world.
    .-= Whitney´s last blog ..I have joined the club… =-.