North Carolina residents, please help with this.
I got this information from this week’s TrySports newsletter:
Take the NCDOT Bike and pedestrian survey – and let your voice be heard!
NCDOT is conducting a survey to collect citizen feedback on statewide bicycle and pedestrian safety issues. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will assist NCDOT in assessing the public’s needs and concerns regarding bicycle and pedestrian safety. Your participation and comments are highly valued! You are welcome and encouraged to circulate the survey to friends and colleagues who reside in North Carolina. Survey responses will be collected through February 8, 2011.
The results will be used as a primer to for a series of roundtable discussions scheduled for later this year and will be helpful in determining the level of public support for future investment in the state’s bicycle and pedestrian network. The survey is being administered in partnership between NCDOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation and the Institute for Transportation Research and Education Bicycle and Pedestrian Program at North Carolina State University.
To participate, click on this link:
For more information, please contact Sarah O’Brien at [email protected].
I filled it out. This issue is so important to me, as I spend a lot of time running on the roads around here – and I have to tell you, not having sidewalks can be so scary. I don’t bicycle nearly as often as I’d like simply because I am terrified of getting hit by a car. If we could get more bike lanes / sidewalks / greenways, we could all be a lot happier – whether you’re a motorist or a cyclist or a pedestrian. Can you fill out this survey? Thanks so much!