Such a rebel …

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about her, wish I could talk to her, want to see her.

I miss my grandmother, Mia, like crazy, since she passed away in June.

If there was anything she taught me, it was to make my own way in this crazy life. That rules are intended to be bent.

So, I’m taking a page out of her playbook.

I’m going to participate in National Novel Writing Month, for the third time, but this time I’m not writing fiction. I’m going to finish Mia’s memoirs.

Mia and I have worked on them for years, and I wanted to focus on them during NaNoWriMo in 2009, but I changed my mind due to the guidelines stating that novels are fiction. But it’s important to me that I finish what she and I started, and the support of NaNoWriMo will help me. It seems I’m not alone in this concept: others are doing the same thing and are talking about it.

So, you heard it here first, friends. My grandmother is officially a bad influence on me.



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5 responses to “Such a rebel …”

  1. Scott Avatar

    She wouldn’t have it any other way!

  2. Dad Avatar

    That’s fantastic!! It will tell the story of a truly remarkable woman who touched many lives.

  3. crystal Avatar

    will we be able to read it when it’s over? Good luck, I know it will be amazing!

  4. Melissa Avatar

    Yes, you absolutely will be able to read them! I’m glad to hear you want to!

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