Category: Design

  • Make your own kind of music

    What’s a redecorating project without art? The only bad thing about working with  me is that I’m a pain in the ass when it comes to art. I like it to be custom. I don’t want someone to walk in my house and say, “Oh, I have that same print!” or “Oh, you got that…

  • For some, a snow day is not a good day

    I’m gonna sound like a little bit of a downer today, and I don’t mean to. I absolutely love the snow. But there was a time I didn’t, and today I’m spending some time thinking about those who are negatively affected the way I once was. You know the saying, “rain, sleet, gloom of night,”…

  • Today, a mystery

    So, I’ve been MIA lately. Shame on me! I have been out of town a lot – I probably spent three days at home last month.  In the past month, have been in DC, Phoenix, Vegas and Florida. All this out of town has made it impossible to sit down in front of the computer! So,…

  • Coming soon: A little ladybug

    She wants to approve all baby bump photos before they get uploaded to Facebook, so I’m going to be careful about the ones I use here since she hasn’t told me which ones she likes yet.  But I’m so excited about the first photos I’ve been able to take of my unborn niece, that I…

  • So famous, I even have my own makeup artist

    Call off the paparazzi? Not quite. But friends and I have gotten mention on a couple of Web sites as of late. Fifteen minutes of fame take 1 Firstly, I wrote this post and Jeff wrote this post on our business blog about Adobe CS5and CreativeLIVE, and during the Q&A session, the instructors mentioned the post! If you…

  • On the loss of a friend

    I’ve been sitting here staring at a blank page, trying to find the words to tell you about Virginia. It’s hard to know where to begin. When you work with someone for 7 years, side by side on numerous projects and late nights and early mornings and meetings and seminars and drinks after the meetings…

  • On the loss of a friend

    I’ve been sitting here staring at a blank page, trying to find the words to tell you about Virginia. It’s hard to know where to begin. When you work with someone for 7 years, side by side on numerous projects and late nights and early mornings and meetings and seminars and drinks after the meetings…

  • Modern measuring

    Recently MOD created an identity for Home Measuring Services. Without further adieu, I’ll show it off here!

  • Modern measuring

    Recently MOD created an identity for Home Measuring Services. Without further adieu, I’ll show it off here!

  • This will forever haunt me

    My post last week reminded me of this incident that happened 4 years ago. There is a reason I can hardly bear to look at this photo: I wrote the text below in February of 2006, and a version of it was published in the newspaper that I worked for at the time. Four years later, and I still can’t…

  • This will forever haunt me

    My post last week reminded me of this incident that happened 4 years ago. There is a reason I can hardly bear to look at this photo: I wrote the text below in February of 2006, and a version of it was published in the newspaper that I worked for at the time. Four years later, and I still can’t…

  • What’s more romantic than sexy hair?

    Postcards for Tommy, designed by yours truly:

  • Hope for the best, expect the news crews

    Working at a newspaper made me paranoid. In the years I spent in the newsroom, I shared space with a police scanner. A police scanner that was always on (well, except for when someone would turn it down so they could watch the latest episode of the news or Lost or Elimidate …) And in…

  • Hope for the best, expect the news crews

    Working at a newspaper made me paranoid. In the years I spent in the newsroom, I shared space with a police scanner. A police scanner that was always on (well, except for when someone would turn it down so they could watch the latest episode of the news or Lost or Elimidate …) And in…

  • Former colleagues in my thoughts

    When I was in college, studying to be a journalist, I was told that newspapers were dying. And I either didn’t believe it or didn’t have the foresight to see why that would matter to me and my future budding career. I graduated, got my first job at a local newspaper, and it was there…

  • Animals can talk and other future memories

    When I was a child, my aunt Josie had a book made that featured myself and my cousin David. I thought it was so cool, reading about our day of chasing foxes or whatever we were doing in the adventure. A few months ago I thought of that book and then found myself thinking –…

  • Life is a gift. Use it or lose it …

    So, I’m a little late on the the whole “look back/look ahead” post that comes at the end of the year, but I was too busy celebrating the holidays to take the time to sit down and think about it! So, better late than never, right? Last year I wrote about some thoughts on 2008,…

  • What do you get for the person that has everything?

    When I was a child, going to visit my grandmother, who we all call Mia, I would ask her what we were going to eat for dinner. “Food,” she would always reply, in a tone that clearly conveyed “Get the hell outta my kitchen” or “Whatever I serve, you will eat.” Mia has never been…

  • Lump of coal just what’s needed to light the fire

        In 2009, thank you for always reading and joining the conversation, whether the topic was naughty or nice, spicy or sweet, healthy or  mischievous. Every time I get an email that someone has commented on my blog I get a huge smile on my face and can’t wait to see what the comment says. I don’t…

  • Lump of coal just what’s needed to light the fire

        In 2009, thank you for always reading and joining the conversation, whether the topic was naughty or nice, spicy or sweet, healthy or  mischievous. Every time I get an email that someone has commented on my blog I get a huge smile on my face and can’t wait to see what the comment says. I don’t…

  • Why don’t you look in the mirror, buddy?

    I want to change the subject from all of this marathon talk, for those of you who are sick of hearing me go on and on about it … And today I’ll segway from what I’ve been saying this week – if you believe in yourself, you can do anything – and into a client…

  • Writing designing running hiking traveling – let’s just all move to New York City!

    Time to update my bucket list. I wrote this a little more than a year ago. Here’s what the list was then, and how it’s going (items in green are in-progress or done!): 1. Write a novel. How it’s going: I have written the first draft of a novel. And I am working on the…

  • Writing designing running hiking traveling – let’s just all move to New York City!

    Time to update my bucket list. I wrote this a little more than a year ago. Here’s what the list was then, and how it’s going (items in green are in-progress or done!): 1. Write a novel. How it’s going: I have written the first draft of a novel. And I am working on the…