Tag: Andrew

  • “Do you have any drugs?”

    Who needs drugs? When you can go out for an early-morning stroll and see this:   And when you get to the top you’re surrounded by rolling hills like this:   —  We hit the Appalachian Trail this past weekend for some exercise and some R&R. A few in the group are doing a South Beyond 6000…

  • “Do you have any drugs?”

    Who needs drugs? When you can go out for an early-morning stroll and see this:   And when you get to the top you’re surrounded by rolling hills like this:   —  We hit the Appalachian Trail this past weekend for some exercise and some R&R. A few in the group are doing a South Beyond 6000…

  • I’m so hydrated you can’t even see my pee

    Gear I would not do this trip again without: In addition to the usual stuff, of course … – Yaktrax – attaches to your hiking boots to make them easy to walk in snow/ice – Toe Warmers – I used to think they were a luxury. In this weather, they were a necessity. Next time, I will…

  • I’m so hydrated you can’t even see my pee

    Gear I would not do this trip again without: In addition to the usual stuff, of course … – Yaktrax – attaches to your hiking boots to make them easy to walk in snow/ice – Toe Warmers – I used to think they were a luxury. In this weather, they were a necessity. Next time, I will…

  • Cold feet. 30 extra pounds. Questions of survival.

    Quotes from the trip: Me: We saw some tracks that looked like a cat. Would that be a bear? A mountain lion? Andrew: No, that’d be a cat. Chris: I’m gonna get one of those at some point (spoken every time someone showed him a piece of gear. Any gear.) Chadd: I hate rabbits (spoken every time…

  • My new ride

    What a better way to be woken up on a Sunday morning than a phone call from Kevin: “I’m at the REI yard sale. Are you coming?” Actually, that wasn’t the best part. I did get up and grab a shower and start getting ready, and then I got another phone call from him: “Get…

  • What I’ve been doing (since I’ve not been blogging)

    I wondered why I spent the first part of the week sleeping (and not blogging) but when I look back on my weekend I really should not wonder at all. I’m not 21 anymore, after all … Thursday night/Friday morning Chris came to town on Thursday evening and he and Jeff and I went for a late dinner…

  • My birthday party video: The next best thing to being there?

    I have virtually no experience in video editing, but Susan brought her Flip to my birthday party so of course we had to have fun with it at the bar. And of course I had to spend all day playing with it in Windows Movie Maker. Apologies in advance for bad lighting, bad camera skills…