My birthday party video: The next best thing to being there?

I have virtually no experience in video editing, but Susan brought her Flip to my birthday party so of course we had to have fun with it at the bar. And of course I had to spend all day playing with it in Windows Movie Maker. Apologies in advance for bad lighting, bad camera skills and intoxication. But for those that were there, a reminder of the fun. And for those that weren’t, I wish you had been! And Amy and Whitney you were right, I gotta get one of these things!

Also, there’s a mention in the video of Wade licking the camera for 2 1/2 minutes. I edited that part out. You’re welcome.






7 responses to “My birthday party video: The next best thing to being there?”

  1. Chris Avatar

    This is freaking awesome! Nice work!

    Last blog post from Chris – Trauma

  2. […] of my best friends, Melissa, celebrated her 23rd birthday this past weekend in Charlotte. In addition to the large quantities […]

  3. Jeffrey Avatar

    How is it nobody ever remembers the camera when we are sober?

  4. Mikey H. Avatar
    Mikey H.

    Y’all are crazy!

  5. Elwood Avatar

    Um…all that drunkeness, and not a single text to me? I’m trying not to be offended. 🙂

    Last blog post from Elwood – Friday Funnies: Warp Speed, Gopher!

  6. Melissa Avatar

    I would have drunk texted you but *someone* had my purse all night 😉

  7. Elwood Avatar

    Yeah…I noticed that. S’up with that?

    Last blog post from Elwood – Friday Funnies: Warp Speed, Gopher!