Tag: Colleen
Must be a cold day in July … I’m blogging again.
It was a seemingly ordinary day that I decided to get back to blogging. My car was having some issues (what else is new?), so Kim picked me up for work. Our morning conversation turned to motivation, inspiration, creativity … and writing. My background is writing, but it’s not a skill I hone much these…
Good one, Bible Belt
Today, I’m wishing I was a little more of a pack rat. Because if I actually saved things instead of throwing them away, I could prove to you that my best friend Colleen and I have actually been planning to be “gay married” for more than a decade. Of course, we don’t call it that.…
Nothing good ever happens after midnight
My mom used to say that all the time. I completely disagree. In fact, plenty of good happens after midnight: – The best parties don’t even start until then. – The likelihood you’ll get dinner and a show at an all-night diner certainly increases (I’m thinking of a specific instance that involved Waffle House and someone…
Spring is just around the corner
It’s been a roller coaster of a month. In the past three weeks, I have lost one of my best friends due to an argument. Daily life feels emptier without him to talk to. I have started questioning what it means to lean on people, rely on people, and how to handle when those people let you down. Shortly…
Something is missing
This time was not supposed to be any different. I’ve run a million races by now, and there was nothing to indicate that a short 10K would be too much of a challenge for me. So when Jeff and Scott made a bet that ended with me getting a free race entry into the a 10K…
‘like peeing in your pants’
Ah, I turn twenty-thirteen today. Love being in my 20s. I was going to write a post going on and on about how wonderful all those in my life are (yes, I am talking about you!) but I have been doing that a lot lately. Instead I’ll show you some of my super-cool presents. Pampering…
Even better than backpacking
So, my meeting with Caleb didn’t go as I had planned it to. In fact, I had been scheduled to be at my sister’s on March 1. Which meant I would have been there when Caleb arrived on March 3. But my little stint in the hospital changed those plans. And as I spent time…
The story of how an intruder (didn’t) catch me
So, one of the most wonderful silver linings about the past few weeks is how many visitors I have had. I know I’ve mentioned them to you all along, but it’s just been so touching. Colleen visited me *every day* in the hospital and some at home, as did my parents and Jeff wouldn’t leave…
Health update and the power of supportive friends and family
Lots of updates. I will try to keep it brief – I feel like I’ve been talking about my injuries so much that even I am starting to get a little bored with them! But, in a nutshell … On the health front: – Every day is different. Some days are better than others. The…
At least I don’t faint from having sex …
Ok, so where were we … sorry I keep getting tired and unable to finish my story! I told you about fainting, and I showed you my awful face, and I told you about how wonderful CMC Mercy is. So, silly me thought I’d just be at CMC Mercy for a few hours while they…
At least I don’t faint from having sex …
Ok, so where were we … sorry I keep getting tired and unable to finish my story! I told you about fainting, and I showed you my awful face, and I told you about how wonderful CMC Mercy is. So, silly me thought I’d just be at CMC Mercy for a few hours while they…
Why I love the hospital
So, I stopped talking yesterday during the second ambulance ride, this one to CMC Mercy. I was alone during this ride. Colleen and Jim had driven the Jeep to CMC University the night before, so Jeff drove that one. I’d been in the ER from around 9 p.m. to around 8 a.m., and neither of…
Why I love the hospital
So, I stopped talking yesterday during the second ambulance ride, this one to CMC Mercy. I was alone during this ride. Colleen and Jim had driven the Jeep to CMC University the night before, so Jeff drove that one. I’d been in the ER from around 9 p.m. to around 8 a.m., and neither of…
The post in which I show you my smashed-up face
So, we left off yesterday when I realized I fainted and I was tasting blood when I talked. Not a good feeling. As things started to come into focus I realized it was Jeff who I’d asked if I fainted. And there was another guy next to me asking me questions that seemed very official.…
Smooth, bare and apparently laser hair removal *can* be affordable
Colleen told me once that every time she hears anything about a new hair removal treatment, she thinks of me. Because, she says, inevitably I will try it and, if I can rope her into it, make her try it too. And she’s totally not wrong. When it comes to hair removal, I’ve pretty much tried…
Smooth, bare and apparently laser hair removal *can* be affordable
Colleen told me once that every time she hears anything about a new hair removal treatment, she thinks of me. Because, she says, inevitably I will try it and, if I can rope her into it, make her try it too. And she’s totally not wrong. When it comes to hair removal, I’ve pretty much tried…
Because coffee with your best friend is just about the greatest thing ever
Colleen and I have a secret method to exercise. It started a year ago. We used to meet up for coffee about once a week. We could sit for hours, talking about whatever was on our minds. Then one day I had an idea: Why not meet at the Starbucks next to Four Mile Creek…
Because coffee with your best friend is just about the greatest thing ever
Colleen and I have a secret method to exercise. It started a year ago. We used to meet up for coffee about once a week. We could sit for hours, talking about whatever was on our minds. Then one day I had an idea: Why not meet at the Starbucks next to Four Mile Creek…
‘This is your gym for the next 90 days’
That’s what the box on my newly purchased P90x tells me. I am skeptical. What about my running? But I realize I don’t even know enough about the program to know if they account for that. Here’s what I do know: My gym membership ran out a month ago. I traded in Time Warner for…
‘This is your gym for the next 90 days’
That’s what the box on my newly purchased P90x tells me. I am skeptical. What about my running? But I realize I don’t even know enough about the program to know if they account for that. Here’s what I do know: My gym membership ran out a month ago. I traded in Time Warner for…
All is right with the world if only I could sweat in my headphones
Here’s how I spent my time last week: 53 miles. All on my feet. So, I don’t have much to talk about other than running! (That screen shot is from Daily Mile; come friend me over there if you haven’t already.) So, that said, here are a few thoughts about running: = Does anyone have a…
All is right with the world if only I could sweat in my headphones
Here’s how I spent my time last week: 53 miles. All on my feet. So, I don’t have much to talk about other than running! (That screen shot is from Daily Mile; come friend me over there if you haven’t already.) So, that said, here are a few thoughts about running: = Does anyone have a…
Teal toes, day at the spa, and a good cause
I saw on the Charlotte Today show that September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and in honor of that there are several salons offering $20 teal-polish pedicures for the event. The designer/editor in me wants to point out that this is more turquoise than teal, but I digress. Amy, Colleen, Jenn and I are all over this…
Teal toes, day at the spa, and a good cause
I saw on the Charlotte Today show that September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and in honor of that there are several salons offering $20 teal-polish pedicures for the event. The designer/editor in me wants to point out that this is more turquoise than teal, but I digress. Amy, Colleen, Jenn and I are all over this…