Tag: Colleen

  • How to stalk your friends

    So, I spent the past week at the beach with my in-laws, so that’s my excuse for why I haven’t been blogging lately. Yes, there was wifi at the beach and yes, I had my laptop. It just couldn’t compete with the ocean and the sand and the breeze … We stayed at Camp Lejeune,…

  • Apple, a 5-mile run and Barenaked Ladies

    My run could have appeared in an Apple commercial yesterday. I was on a 5-mile run, and I had taken my water belt with me. Typically I only do that if I’m running 6 miles or longer, but I was feeling a little dehydrated. I was a little bored with my Shuffle playlist, so I…

  • What is a best friend?

    Apparently today is National Best Friends Day. It comes at a time in my life in which friendship and the very meaning of it has been something I’ve questioned. So, what is a best friend? Being a little bit of a grammar stickler, I have trouble with those who claim to have multiple best friends. Don’t…

  • What is a best friend?

    Apparently today is National Best Friends Day. It comes at a time in my life in which friendship and the very meaning of it has been something I’ve questioned. So, what is a best friend? Being a little bit of a grammar stickler, I have trouble with those who claim to have multiple best friends. Don’t…

  • How to make Starbucks have negative calories

    This post is not just about exercising. This post is about how amazing my friends and family are and how exercising plays a big role in that. Case in point: Wednesday I rode my bike to TrySports (7 miles) for the group ride, only to have it rained out. Instead of calling it a day, Scott…

  • The adventure I haven’t had

    Every time I visit Florida I think about the old days. And when I say the old days, I mean a decade ago – when Jeff and I first started dating. He lived in Winter Springs and I lived in Rock Hill, so I spent Christmas break/spring break/ part of summer break in Florida. Days…

  • Coming soon: A little ladybug

    She wants to approve all baby bump photos before they get uploaded to Facebook, so I’m going to be careful about the ones I use here since she hasn’t told me which ones she likes yet.  But I’m so excited about the first photos I’ve been able to take of my unborn niece, that I…

  • Late to the ball (not this time!)

    So, this photo was not Photoshopped. But it sure looks like it was, doesn’t  it? This image cracks me up. It was taken at the Marine Corps ball in November; my in-laws were in town this weekend so they gave us our copy then. This was taken by the portrait photographers hired by the Marines.…

  • Late to the ball (not this time!)

    So, this photo was not Photoshopped. But it sure looks like it was, doesn’t  it? This image cracks me up. It was taken at the Marine Corps ball in November; my in-laws were in town this weekend so they gave us our copy then. This was taken by the portrait photographers hired by the Marines.…

  • The world is my oyster (and so is Charlotte on a Tuesday night)

    — It ain’t easy turning 32 on a Tuesday. I mean, who wants to go out on a school night? Well, apparently I have some of the coolest friends in the world because my birthday kicked ass and I didn’t even expect it to. We went to a hibachi grill for dinner (Kabuto), and beers…

  • You can’t go back

    Change comes, whether we like it or not. Getting old beats the alternative. You’re only as young as you feel. — Sentiments such as those above have been whirling around in my head ever since I reached my 30s. My mom had me when she was 29 years old. So when I reached 29, I…

  • Life is short

    Surround yourself with people who actually matter. Surround yourself with people who love you and respect you. Surround yourself with nature. It’s amazing the clarity that can be found on a running path or a mountain top. Always choose coffee with a friend over an evening with the DVR. Over the past few weeks I’ve…

  • Life is short

    Surround yourself with people who actually matter. Surround yourself with people who love you and respect you. Surround yourself with nature. It’s amazing the clarity that can be found on a running path or a mountain top. Always choose coffee with a friend over an evening with the DVR. Over the past few weeks I’ve…

  • The one where snow ruins everything

    I used to *love* snow. I mean, what kid doesn’t? A free pass from school and something fun and new to play with … can’t beat that … Then I got a job at a newspaper. And they had a lovely rule in which we had to drive into work even in inclement weather. Understandable,…

  • The one where snow ruins everything

    I used to *love* snow. I mean, what kid doesn’t? A free pass from school and something fun and new to play with … can’t beat that … Then I got a job at a newspaper. And they had a lovely rule in which we had to drive into work even in inclement weather. Understandable,…

  • Fashion help, please?

    Nothing beats a little retail therapy, as Colleen and I determined yesterday afternoon after our DC trip got canceled. We ended up at Express for some guilt-free shopping, thanks to some coupons and gift cards. One thing I always love at Express is the selection of leggings. I bought a plum-colored pair a couple of…

  • Sometimes, you just need your mom

    Ever have one of those weeks where you feel as if it’s all you can do to keep your head above water? Yeah, me too. The frustrating part is that any one of those things could be handled – it’s the culmination of events that leave you feeling as if you’re drowning. Deep breath. Calming thoughts.…

  • I sleep on the floor

    Ok, so I’ve showed you my completed closet (really, is anything ever really complete?), my hallways, one of my guest bedrooms. So now I’ll show you my bedroom, and of course I am showing you this so you can laugh at me: Yes, it’s true. I have 2 fully furnished guest bedrooms but no furniture…

  • I sleep on the floor

    Ok, so I’ve showed you my completed closet (really, is anything ever really complete?), my hallways, one of my guest bedrooms. So now I’ll show you my bedroom, and of course I am showing you this so you can laugh at me: Yes, it’s true. I have 2 fully furnished guest bedrooms but no furniture…

  • From the yellow brick road to the Jaws of Life

    I wrote this post last week, and I almost didn’t publish it today because there’s another canine friend , who is very much alive, fighting for her health across the country right now. But I wanted to share this story with you of the littlest family member with a big heart. And Daisy, I’m thinking about you…

  • From the yellow brick road to the Jaws of Life

    I wrote this post last week, and I almost didn’t publish it today because there’s another canine friend , who is very much alive, fighting for her health across the country right now. But I wanted to share this story with you of the littlest family member with a big heart. And Daisy, I’m thinking about you…

  • The stuff they don’t tell you

    Ok, I’m sure that’s not true – runners will talk about anything and everything. But I’ll tell you the unexpected stuff I faced during the Thunder Road Marathon (and training for said marathon.) First, the blood. Yes, blood. Okay, not a lot of blood. But when I got back to the hotel room after the…

  • I am a marathoner.

    How do I put this experience into words? Where do I even begin to describe this moment? Jeff said I should title this blog post “I beat Superman.” Because I did, in fact, beat Superman at the Thunder Road Marathon on Saturday. But I know it’s not about who I beat or who beat me.…