Tag: Jim

  • Even better than backpacking

    So, my meeting with Caleb didn’t go as I had planned it to. In fact, I had been scheduled to be at my sister’s on March 1. Which meant I would have been there when Caleb arrived on March 3. But my little stint in the hospital changed those plans. And as I spent time…

  • What’s your kryptonite?

    I didn’t wear shorts between the ages of sometime around 8 and sometime around 30. Why not? Because I couldn’t. Every time I wore them as a kid, I got teased. “I’m blinded!” some would say. “There’s a ghost in here!” I heard a lot. My skin is pale. Really pale. I’m not sure I’ve…

  • My birthday party video: The next best thing to being there?

    I have virtually no experience in video editing, but Susan brought her Flip to my birthday party so of course we had to have fun with it at the bar. And of course I had to spend all day playing with it in Windows Movie Maker. Apologies in advance for bad lighting, bad camera skills…