Tag: Carissa
The story of how an intruder (didn’t) catch me
So, one of the most wonderful silver linings about the past few weeks is how many visitors I have had. I know I’ve mentioned them to you all along, but it’s just been so touching. Colleen visited me *every day* in the hospital and some at home, as did my parents and Jeff wouldn’t leave…
Fashion help, please?
Nothing beats a little retail therapy, as Colleen and I determined yesterday afternoon after our DC trip got canceled. We ended up at Express for some guilt-free shopping, thanks to some coupons and gift cards. One thing I always love at Express is the selection of leggings. I bought a plum-colored pair a couple of…
My birthday party video: The next best thing to being there?
I have virtually no experience in video editing, but Susan brought her Flip to my birthday party so of course we had to have fun with it at the bar. And of course I had to spend all day playing with it in Windows Movie Maker. Apologies in advance for bad lighting, bad camera skills…
Today, the world smiles. And I’m getting there.
Things may not be right with me and my heart right now, but today is good despite it. I started my day eating right – 2009 is a year of renewed health for me. The past couple of months I’ve just been eating whatever I want, and that’s not working too well for that extra…
Today, the world smiles. And I’m getting there.
Things may not be right with me and my heart right now, but today is good despite it. I started my day eating right – 2009 is a year of renewed health for me. The past couple of months I’ve just been eating whatever I want, and that’s not working too well for that extra…
Life, going down the right tube
This is by no means meant to be a synopsis of my year – in fact, I’m leaving out some of the biggest stuff on purpose. Just a few random tidbits about time and how we choose to pass it. Thoughts on 2008: – In February I decided to chop my hair off and go…
Some Twitter humor
For those of you who don’t know Twitter, you really should check it out. I was skeptical myself at first, but I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful it has been – I’ve connected with other creative people, which inspired me during my novel writing time and is inspiring me now as the poetry…
Some Twitter humor
For those of you who don’t know Twitter, you really should check it out. I was skeptical myself at first, but I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful it has been – I’ve connected with other creative people, which inspired me during my novel writing time and is inspiring me now as the poetry…
#nanowrimo book editing time
Just wanted to give a status update on my book. My book!! (I cheer a little inside every time I say that.) For those who haven’t been listening to me chat incessantly for the past month or so, I’ll recap: I wrote a book last month. Yep, a book. Yep, in a month. I participated in…
An exboyfriend and his pornstache
This post is not about raising awareness for prostate cancer, as that is not a cause I am championing. This post is not about the goodness of people’s hearts and how at times they will do things to alter their appearance in order to further a good cause. No, this post is about the fact…
An exboyfriend and his pornstache
This post is not about raising awareness for prostate cancer, as that is not a cause I am championing. This post is not about the goodness of people’s hearts and how at times they will do things to alter their appearance in order to further a good cause. No, this post is about the fact…
Tattoos on a Saturday afternoon
Your vision is one in the making three years of thoughts you talk of third eyes and Egyptian symbols I don’t even pretend to understand I offer my hand but you don’t need it say it doesn’t even hurt but it knocked the world out of me She walks in without a plan but by…
Tattoos on a Saturday afternoon
Your vision is one in the making three years of thoughts you talk of third eyes and Egyptian symbols I don’t even pretend to understand I offer my hand but you don’t need it say it doesn’t even hurt but it knocked the world out of me She walks in without a plan but by…