Tag: Whitney
Weddings, babies, surgeries, life …
So, you wouldn’t know it by reading this blog, but other things have been going on besides the fact that I fell on my face and have spent the past few weeks recovering. Who knew?? So, in a nutshell, here’s some other things that have been going on: = My brother had back surgery. You…
Why I dropped my pants for the world to see
Okay, so I promised you the other day I’d tell you about dropping my pants. So I’ll start this blog post by telling you about that part. Scott, Jeff and I were hiking in the Great Basalm Mountains. During one break we were all standing on the trail and we heard a weird noise. Coming…
Why I dropped my pants for the world to see
Okay, so I promised you the other day I’d tell you about dropping my pants. So I’ll start this blog post by telling you about that part. Scott, Jeff and I were hiking in the Great Basalm Mountains. During one break we were all standing on the trail and we heard a weird noise. Coming…
Why I blog about running so much
Three reasons: 1. Amy: 2. Whitney: 3. Heather: I have gotten some criticism about writing too much about exercising, and I was told one of my posts even resembled an REI catalog (which it so did.) So I have been curbing the workout talk, but when I read the above posts, I am so full…
My birthday party video: The next best thing to being there?
I have virtually no experience in video editing, but Susan brought her Flip to my birthday party so of course we had to have fun with it at the bar. And of course I had to spend all day playing with it in Windows Movie Maker. Apologies in advance for bad lighting, bad camera skills…
I’ve been tagged
Amy tagged me for this … Here are the RULES: Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules in your post. Share 7 random/weird facts about yourself. 1. I’ve never been tagged before, until now. Not on MySpace or anything. I’ve always been kinda sad to see others tagged. So thanks, Amy!…
I’ve been tagged
Amy tagged me for this … Here are the RULES: Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules in your post. Share 7 random/weird facts about yourself. 1. I’ve never been tagged before, until now. Not on MySpace or anything. I’ve always been kinda sad to see others tagged. So thanks, Amy!…