Tag: calories

  • Miles daily eventually = miles yearly

    So, I used to post on Facebook and Twitter every time I would work out. And then I decided that was just obnoxious. So I try to save those workout posts only for something special, and I’ve moved my daily workout ramblings over to Daily Mile, where everyone is allowed to talk about their workouts…

  • Miles daily eventually = miles yearly

    So, I used to post on Facebook and Twitter every time I would work out. And then I decided that was just obnoxious. So I try to save those workout posts only for something special, and I’ve moved my daily workout ramblings over to Daily Mile, where everyone is allowed to talk about their workouts…

  • Proof that I’m a dork

    Okay, so last week I wrote a post about how much I enjoy spending time in Athens since the city is so walkable. And I mentioned that I would really like to just wear my watch on a night of bar-hopping to see how many calories one would burn. And with some courage from you…

  • Healthy eating, and keeping proof

    Until recently I knew nothing about healthy eating. Seems like a silly thing to say, but I really didn’t understand how to keep it all straight. I mentioned this to my mom one day, and she told me about a website that you can track your meals through. I tried it out and loved it!…

  • Healthy eating, and keeping proof

    Until recently I knew nothing about healthy eating. Seems like a silly thing to say, but I really didn’t understand how to keep it all straight. I mentioned this to my mom one day, and she told me about a website that you can track your meals through. I tried it out and loved it!…