Tag: Corinne

  • At least it didn’t take me this long to cross the finish line

    So, I ran a little marathon about a month and a half ago. And I have not forgotten about writing about it. I have been putting it off because I’ve felt really busy and like I don’t have the time to devote to it that I need. And I was hoping to get Jeff’s photos…

  • At least it didn’t take me this long to cross the finish line

    So, I ran a little marathon about a month and a half ago. And I have not forgotten about writing about it. I have been putting it off because I’ve felt really busy and like I don’t have the time to devote to it that I need. And I was hoping to get Jeff’s photos…

  • On meeting new friends on the street corner, why hills suck and why beer is good

    So I decided to go practice run the Charlotte Racefest half marathon (or the South Park half marathon, as I’ve been calling it) route on Friday. Maybe I should mention I signed up for the race on Wednesday night. Before Friday. That needs to be clarified for this reason: Ohmigosh anyone who signs up for…

  • The world is my oyster (and so is Charlotte on a Tuesday night)

    — It ain’t easy turning 32 on a Tuesday. I mean, who wants to go out on a school night? Well, apparently I have some of the coolest friends in the world because my birthday kicked ass and I didn’t even expect it to. We went to a hibachi grill for dinner (Kabuto), and beers…

  • You can’t go back

    Change comes, whether we like it or not. Getting old beats the alternative. You’re only as young as you feel. — Sentiments such as those above have been whirling around in my head ever since I reached my 30s. My mom had me when she was 29 years old. So when I reached 29, I…

  • Because it’s really all about the beer

    All this running I’ve been doing lately is really because of beer. Because when I hear there is a race hosted by a brewery that starts in late afternoon (meaning no getting up at the crack of dawn) and it includes a brewery tour after in the great party city of Athens — well, I’m in. And…

  • Because it’s really all about the beer

    All this running I’ve been doing lately is really because of beer. Because when I hear there is a race hosted by a brewery that starts in late afternoon (meaning no getting up at the crack of dawn) and it includes a brewery tour after in the great party city of Athens — well, I’m in. And…