Tag: Crowders

  • 2011: less running, more writing

    The obligatory 2010 post: I’m not going to go into a huge play-by-play of the year. You have the archives for that! But I will say I started out the year at Wade’s house, drinking his home brewed beer (yum!) and hanging out in the hot tub. I imagine I may finish the year the same way ……

  • 2011: less running, more writing

    The obligatory 2010 post: I’m not going to go into a huge play-by-play of the year. You have the archives for that! But I will say I started out the year at Wade’s house, drinking his home brewed beer (yum!) and hanging out in the hot tub. I imagine I may finish the year the same way ……

  • Life, in our own back yard

    Keys to a fun day with a friend: It starts with new shorts and a smile, even at 7 a.m. Hydration is always key to a day of fun, especially when it comes in a pink cup. It helps to live in a state with beautiful places, and to have friends who love adventure. It can…

  • Life, in our own back yard

    Keys to a fun day with a friend: It starts with new shorts and a smile, even at 7 a.m. Hydration is always key to a day of fun, especially when it comes in a pink cup. It helps to live in a state with beautiful places, and to have friends who love adventure. It can…

  • Welcome to Charlotte, y’all

    My friend Anil calls himself a “foodie.” And he’s coming to visit Charlotte for the first time in a few weeks. The only issue with both of those pieces of information is that he’s only coming for three days – and it’s up to me to narrow down all of our excellent food choices into just…