Tag: editing

  • Tomorrow is big, you guys

    I’ve been too quiet here lately, but it’s for a good reason. I’ve been helping Amy publish her very first book. It’s amazing how much time and effort goes into creating a book if you want to do it right. There are multiple drafts. There is line editing. There is book cover photography and design. Font…

  • Animals can talk and other future memories

    When I was a child, my aunt Josie had a book made that featured myself and my cousin David. I thought it was so cool, reading about our day of chasing foxes or whatever we were doing in the adventure. A few months ago I thought of that book and then found myself thinking –…

  • Update on my novel (no, I haven’t forgotten about it)

    I say I haven’t forgotten about my book that I have written, but I have regrettably put it on the back burner this year – but it’s not to stay there for long! My intent was to go through an edit on screen, and add scenes as needed, and then make a proof copy and…