Tag: Grove Park

  • Bikinis and bathtubs and more toilets for women

    So, the bathroom photos I mentioned a few days ago made it into the collage frame. Here is the frame as a whole:   Here are some close ups of the photos that existed prior to me writing the other day’s post: The Italy photos are less “humorous” and more “unique” – I’m kind of…

  • Bikinis and bathtubs and more toilets for women

    So, the bathroom photos I mentioned a few days ago made it into the collage frame. Here is the frame as a whole:   Here are some close ups of the photos that existed prior to me writing the other day’s post: The Italy photos are less “humorous” and more “unique” – I’m kind of…

  • The one where snow ruins everything

    I used to *love* snow. I mean, what kid doesn’t? A free pass from school and something fun and new to play with … can’t beat that … Then I got a job at a newspaper. And they had a lovely rule in which we had to drive into work even in inclement weather. Understandable,…

  • The one where snow ruins everything

    I used to *love* snow. I mean, what kid doesn’t? A free pass from school and something fun and new to play with … can’t beat that … Then I got a job at a newspaper. And they had a lovely rule in which we had to drive into work even in inclement weather. Understandable,…

  • Friends who are active and famous, and hot tubs that get snowed on

    First off, I want to say thank you for all the kind words and support last week. Having a heavy heart and no outlet is at times, lonely. But, things are not all bad. In the good-news department, I have some exciting things to report: Good friend news #1 My friend Michael, an actor, has landed…

  • Friends who are active and famous, and hot tubs that get snowed on

    First off, I want to say thank you for all the kind words and support last week. Having a heavy heart and no outlet is at times, lonely. But, things are not all bad. In the good-news department, I have some exciting things to report: Good friend news #1 My friend Michael, an actor, has landed…

  • So what is a day at the spa anyway?

    I often hear people refer to needing a “day at the spa.” Unfortunately, I think it’s rare that we get to participate in one. I’ll do my best to explain the wonderfulness that surrounds the spa at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, N.C., but believe me when I say you really have to experience it…

  • Eat, sleep and be pampered.

    Ah, The Grove Park. Ahh, Asheville. I could never tire of talking about this place. Today I’ll talk a little about the food. I don’t usually review food on this blog, but I feel like it contributed to the overall experience of the resort and it definitely contributed to the cost, so it’s worth mentioning.…

  • It’s apples and oranges for these spa rooms

    So after climbing mountains and running races, it was time for a break. And word that our favorite resort, the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, N.C., was offering a $99/night room special for Sunday and Monday was reason enough to take a break and hit the spa. I’ll start by saying I bought Jeff a gift…

  • Flashing boobs at wedding guests and other horrors

    A memory It is 2004, September 04. The day of my wedding. Any stress that goes along with planning one’s wedding had escaped me the day before, as I sat at Aunt Josies’ at my bridesmaids’ luncheon surrounded by Mom, Mia (my grandmother), my sister Jenny, my aunt and cousins and bridesmaids – basically, all the…