Tag: hot yoga

  • The Tortoise and the Hare: Celebrating different running styles

      If you know us, you probably know that my friend Quinn and I make unlikely running buddies. She grew up quite the athlete, notably a soccer player, where she got to put her speed work to the test often on the field. I grew up coming up with any excuse I could to get out…

  • Charlotte’s own Jillian Michaels

    I’ve found her, friends. I haven’t watched Biggest Loser in a long time, but when I did years ago the thing that seemed so great to me was to have a dedicated space and amount of time, one that focuses on healthy eating, exercising, getting trim. Recently I signed up for a month of boot camp…

  • Keeping with the spirit of adventure (Warrior Dash, here I come)

    As you may recall, I decided 2012 is officially my year to say yes to new things. The last time I checked in, I cited hot yoga (which I began in December, so I guess that’s not officially 2012, but it’s still new to me), rock climbing, working out at 6 a.m. (boot camp class), Zumba (which…

  • I suck at that.

    How many times do we say that about things that we just haven’t given ourselves a chance to conquer? If you’ve read this blog at any length, you probably know I love exercising. I love running. I love a good circuit training workout or spin class or personal training session. But what do I not…