Tag: kyle

  • The time Anil was mistaken for a lesbian

    So, I met Anil and Megan at a pool party. But I met lots of people at that pool party. My friend Kyle was the person that invited me to the pool party and he met all the same people I did. I was the only one that kept in touch with them, however. So,…

  • Seeing him after 10 years

    Was cleaning out my drafts folder and found this post, written in November but never published. I need to get on the ball! Here it is, just imagine it’s right around Thanksgiving that you are reading this … It’s impossible to describe what exactly was going through my head as I opened the door to…

  • #nanowrimo book editing time

    Just wanted to give a status update on my book. My book!! (I cheer a little inside every time I say that.) For those who haven’t been listening to me chat incessantly for the past month or so, I’ll recap: I wrote a book last month. Yep, a book. Yep, in a month. I participated in…

  • An exboyfriend and his pornstache

    This post is not about raising awareness for prostate cancer, as that is not a cause I am championing. This post is not about the goodness of people’s hearts and how at times they will do things to alter their appearance in order to further a good cause. No, this post is about the fact…

  • An exboyfriend and his pornstache

    This post is not about raising awareness for prostate cancer, as that is not a cause I am championing. This post is not about the goodness of people’s hearts and how at times they will do things to alter their appearance in order to further a good cause. No, this post is about the fact…

  • I am addicted to coffee.

    It started my sophomore year of high school. My parents are coffee drinkers, and they always had a fresh pot around. I never paid much attention to it, as coffee was for “grown ups.” Then one morning, after a late-night phone conversation with Kyle, I was bemoaning to him between classes that I was tired and…

  • Old diaries, new perspective

    I decided very early on that I wanted to be a writer. Elementary school, in fact. I always wanted to be a novelist (and this year, I will be!) but around fifth grade, I decided that might be too difficult to break into the industry and be a bestseller, so instead I would “just” be…

  • A first love

    This is an attempt to capture with words the purity of a first romance … and the ability to reflect on it years later with fondness. A memory It’s 1993, I am 15 years old, and this is no summer romance. No, this one sparks during a snowfall and a power outage, and this one will warm me for…