Tag: movie
Enjoy family, buy local, and sidewalks are there for a reason.
I’ve been in Greenville, S.C., for the past two weeks – as you probably know, my sister had her baby on July 31 and I’m here to get to know him, help her and her husband out, and enjoy some quality time with family. I’m staying at my aunt’s house – 2.5 miles away from…
What I’ve been doing (since I’ve not been blogging)
I wondered why I spent the first part of the week sleeping (and not blogging) but when I look back on my weekend I really should not wonder at all. I’m not 21 anymore, after all … Thursday night/Friday morning Chris came to town on Thursday evening and he and Jeff and I went for a late dinner…
Am I the only one that likes rainy days?
Every time the forecast calls for rain I hear a collective moan among seemingly everyone but me. I absolutely love rainy days during the summer months. Rain in the winter pretty much sucks, I’ll give you that, but today I look out Chris‘ windows (I opened them, of course, as the rain cools everything off…
Am I the only one that likes rainy days?
Every time the forecast calls for rain I hear a collective moan among seemingly everyone but me. I absolutely love rainy days during the summer months. Rain in the winter pretty much sucks, I’ll give you that, but today I look out Chris‘ windows (I opened them, of course, as the rain cools everything off…