Tag: painting

  • What happens when a friend lets you take over his condo

    This wasn’t an inexpensive project, by any means. But we did a lot of shopping around and found just the right things at times for just the right price. Here’s a breakdown on what was purchased and where: = New couch was a Crate and Barrel find on Craigslist for $350. It belonged to a…

  • What happens when a friend lets you take over his condo

    This wasn’t an inexpensive project, by any means. But we did a lot of shopping around and found just the right things at times for just the right price. Here’s a breakdown on what was purchased and where: = New couch was a Crate and Barrel find on Craigslist for $350. It belonged to a…

  • The great stripes fiasco

    So, two of Anil’s living room walls are covered in brick that has been painted white. The third wall was painted off white and the fourth was painted maroon. Walls before: Behind the living room is a nook that Anil had painted orange: All of the other walls in the hallway near the nook were…

  • You are getting very sleepy …

    On occasion I’ve been showing you different rooms in my house, and how they’ve been decorated (so far. Is a house ever really done?) So far you’ve seen my closet and my hallways. Now let me show you the bedroom … but not my bedroom, that’ll come later. This is the guest bedroom. In this room,…

  • Where the heck I’ve disappeared to

    Let me start by saying I think I have a mildly addictive personality. When I get excited about a new project, it’s full speed ahead. And lately my obsession has been painting, which doesn’t really go hand-in-hand with the computer. But I have missed you all! I spent a week in Athens, Ga., helping Chris…

  • How to really impress your friend on his birthday

    If you read this blog regularly you know I’ve been helping Chris decorate his apartment in Athens, Ga. I’ll pause to pat myself (and him! He’s the willing participant!) on the back by showing you a before picture (which I just came across; you haven’t seen this before): Before he let me do my thing.…

  • How to really impress your friend on his birthday

    If you read this blog regularly you know I’ve been helping Chris decorate his apartment in Athens, Ga. I’ll pause to pat myself (and him! He’s the willing participant!) on the back by showing you a before picture (which I just came across; you haven’t seen this before): Before he let me do my thing.…