Tag: Tri at Baxter

  • Hard core and intimidating? Hardly

    Much delayed, but I promised to share my experiences from my first triathlon, so here goes: There’s something that seems very hard-core and intimidating about a triathlete. Which is why I laughed in my brother’s face when he first suggested I race a triathlon. But the truth is, I very much wanted to become comfortable…

  • Which end is up?

    I feel too frazzled to blog. So much has happened over the past few weeks that I don’t even know where to begin! So, what I’m going to do today is be lame and tell you what I plan to write about. This will organize and un-frazzle me. = My first triathlon race report. Yep,…

  • Nothing to be scared of here

    Ok, so I’m still working on my full race report from my Very First Triathlon … I know you are anxiously awaiting all those minor details that probably no one cares about unless they are crazy enough to think these things are fun … But while I’m getting all the other stuff together, I wanted…

  • How to make Starbucks have negative calories

    This post is not just about exercising. This post is about how amazing my friends and family are and how exercising plays a big role in that. Case in point: Wednesday I rode my bike to TrySports (7 miles) for the group ride, only to have it rained out. Instead of calling it a day, Scott…

  • Shoe salesman with an agenda and other things

    Okay, I’ll try to keep this in nuggets because I feel like I have a lot of nothing to say. … Triathlon training update: = Swim: So, I found out my friend Sally used to be a swim coach. Told you about that the other day when I mentioned our relay team. She had me…

  • What’s next?

    So you guys want to know what’s next after the Thunder Road Marathon, huh? Me too. I’m still in recovery and taking it easy but I can’t wait to get back out there. The first official thing on the calendar is our annual Mount Mitchell winter trip. It’s coming up in a couple of weeks,…

  • What’s next?

    So you guys want to know what’s next after the Thunder Road Marathon, huh? Me too. I’m still in recovery and taking it easy but I can’t wait to get back out there. The first official thing on the calendar is our annual Mount Mitchell winter trip. It’s coming up in a couple of weeks,…