Tag: work

  • Finding balance

    I told Kim the other day: I just need 30 hours in a day. When Rebecca asked me the week before, “How do you find time to both run and yoga and work?” I answered with something like Well, now you’ve found the crux of the matter. The topic of balance has come up a lot lately…

  • Coffee. Feet warmers. Creativity.

      What I love about working from home: – I don’t have to wear shoes at the office. Hell, I can wear my pajamas all day if I want to. –  If I feel creative at 3 a.m. on a Sunday, well, then that’s when I do my work. – Speaking of work, it’s different…

  • We loved each other. We annoyed each other. We held each other up. We made each other better.

    The day after Bin Laden was killed, I was reminiscing about life when I was a newspaper designer. Since then, I’ve been reminiscing hard core about those days. The reason it’s on my mind is because a few former colleagues are planning a reunion, and I’m designing a digital commemorative newspaper for the event. So…

  • We loved each other. We annoyed each other. We held each other up. We made each other better.

    The day after Bin Laden was killed, I was reminiscing about life when I was a newspaper designer. Since then, I’ve been reminiscing hard core about those days. The reason it’s on my mind is because a few former colleagues are planning a reunion, and I’m designing a digital commemorative newspaper for the event. So…

  • The one where snow ruins everything

    I used to *love* snow. I mean, what kid doesn’t? A free pass from school and something fun and new to play with … can’t beat that … Then I got a job at a newspaper. And they had a lovely rule in which we had to drive into work even in inclement weather. Understandable,…

  • The one where snow ruins everything

    I used to *love* snow. I mean, what kid doesn’t? A free pass from school and something fun and new to play with … can’t beat that … Then I got a job at a newspaper. And they had a lovely rule in which we had to drive into work even in inclement weather. Understandable,…

  • This will forever haunt me

    My post last week reminded me of this incident that happened 4 years ago. There is a reason I can hardly bear to look at this photo: I wrote the text below in February of 2006, and a version of it was published in the newspaper that I worked for at the time. Four years later, and I still can’t…

  • This will forever haunt me

    My post last week reminded me of this incident that happened 4 years ago. There is a reason I can hardly bear to look at this photo: I wrote the text below in February of 2006, and a version of it was published in the newspaper that I worked for at the time. Four years later, and I still can’t…

  • Free car for sex? Why not?

    If you haven’t known me for longer than a decade, you may  not know that I spent several years in high school and college working for car dealerships. I was a receptionist, among other things (file clerk, errand runner, customer service representative, DMV goer, service cashier, lunch getter, etc.) Let me tell you – working…

  • Where I was

    Last year, I was in New York City and I heard the names being read, first on the TV in my hotel room. Later I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan, and they were still reading. So many names. It was so quiet in that corner of the city, that section where the towers…

  • No, it’s not because I am a vampire (though I do have pale skin).

    When I graduated college the job market was in a much better place than it is now. I went on 5 job interviews and got 5 job offers. They all were really great offers in their own right but the one job I really wanted, and landed, was a page designer/copy editor job at the daily…

  • No, it’s not because I am a vampire (though I do have pale skin).

    When I graduated college the job market was in a much better place than it is now. I went on 5 job interviews and got 5 job offers. They all were really great offers in their own right but the one job I really wanted, and landed, was a page designer/copy editor job at the daily…

  • My new toy

    Ok, so a new monitor is really not that big of a deal, but I was working on a 19″ standard before. Of course, I use my laptop as a second monitor, so it wasn’t all bad, even before. This new one is a 24″ Dell, and, as you see in the picture, I can design magazine…

  • Waiting for October

    I do not like writing about where I am, in this office with light gray walls that I call middle ground. Beside me sits a typewriter, covered with dust collecting since 1974 and a computer outdated in 1998 no one knows how to use. I do not like writing about a place where Joe has…