Coffee. Feet warmers. Creativity.


What I love about working from home:

– I don’t have to wear shoes at the office. Hell, I can wear my pajamas all day if I want to.

–  If I feel creative at 3 a.m. on a Sunday, well, then that’s when I do my work.
– Speaking of work, it’s different every day. Some days I’m helping someone decide what his or her business should look like. Other days I’m helping a writer find the best way to get her point across. I get to design magazines and books and I help people announce when they’ve brought a child into the world.


Breanna shares sunlight with my editing space.


– My dogs are my office mates. They keep my feet warm (since I don’t wear shoes, as you now know.)
– I get unlimited coffee. And candy corn.

What I hate about working from home:

– Nothing. When you do what you love, it doesn’t feel like work, anyway.



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