Tag: dog

  • Coffee. Feet warmers. Creativity.

      What I love about working from home: – I don’t have to wear shoes at the office. Hell, I can wear my pajamas all day if I want to. –  If I feel creative at 3 a.m. on a Sunday, well, then that’s when I do my work. – Speaking of work, it’s different…

  • Do slow walkers on the sidewalk make you angry?

    This post started out as an answer to a question on the Today show web site, but I realized as I started typing that I would not be able to get it out in 140 characters. Here’s the question (pertaining to Kathie Lee and Hoda’s show): Do slow walkers make you angry? They had a…

  • Do slow walkers on the sidewalk make you angry?

    This post started out as an answer to a question on the Today show web site, but I realized as I started typing that I would not be able to get it out in 140 characters. Here’s the question (pertaining to Kathie Lee and Hoda’s show): Do slow walkers make you angry? They had a…

  • Keeping healthy, loved, warm and cool

    Some of my favorite things from last week: Breakfast with Joy Bauer: From her 3-day detox diet (which is awesome, by the way! I lost 7 lbs. I loved it so much I ran out the day after and bought her “Your Inner Skinny” book.) This shake is 3/4 cup almond milk, 1/2 banana, 1…

  • Keeping healthy, loved, warm and cool

    Some of my favorite things from last week: Breakfast with Joy Bauer: From her 3-day detox diet (which is awesome, by the way! I lost 7 lbs. I loved it so much I ran out the day after and bought her “Your Inner Skinny” book.) This shake is 3/4 cup almond milk, 1/2 banana, 1…

  • For some, a snow day is not a good day

    I’m gonna sound like a little bit of a downer today, and I don’t mean to. I absolutely love the snow. But there was a time I didn’t, and today I’m spending some time thinking about those who are negatively affected the way I once was. You know the saying, “rain, sleet, gloom of night,”…

  • All it took was puppy-dog eyes and a big hug

    Ten years ago yesterday, a little beagle-mix mutt was born. Well, maybe. I don’t actually know her real birthday, but it was 8 weeks from that day that I decided to adopt her, so January 6 was the birthday I gave her. Ten years ago I was sharing a 2-bedroom apartment with Shannon. Both of…

  • All it took was puppy-dog eyes and a big hug

    Ten years ago yesterday, a little beagle-mix mutt was born. Well, maybe. I don’t actually know her real birthday, but it was 8 weeks from that day that I decided to adopt her, so January 6 was the birthday I gave her. Ten years ago I was sharing a 2-bedroom apartment with Shannon. Both of…

  • Sadie, the 2-year-old bottomless pit

    As an oldest child, I can say that it’s not that we didn’t want our younger siblings to have good toys. It’s that we didn’t want them to have better toys than us. Same with good grades, fun birthday parties and desserts. I see myself in my oldest niece, Mia. When her 2-year-old sister Sadie…

  • Sadie, the 2-year-old bottomless pit

    As an oldest child, I can say that it’s not that we didn’t want our younger siblings to have good toys. It’s that we didn’t want them to have better toys than us. Same with good grades, fun birthday parties and desserts. I see myself in my oldest niece, Mia. When her 2-year-old sister Sadie…

  • All is right with the world if only I could sweat in my headphones

    Here’s how I spent my time last week: 53 miles. All on my feet. So, I don’t have much to talk about other than running! (That screen shot is from Daily Mile; come friend me over there if you haven’t already.) So, that said, here are a few thoughts about running: = Does anyone have a…

  • All is right with the world if only I could sweat in my headphones

    Here’s how I spent my time last week: 53 miles. All on my feet. So, I don’t have much to talk about other than running! (That screen shot is from Daily Mile; come friend me over there if you haven’t already.) So, that said, here are a few thoughts about running: = Does anyone have a…

  • Kids and dogs

    I saw this photo on this blog that I read occasionally: And it reminded me of this photo of Cai and Sadie (nephew and niece) that I took with my phone (so apologies for quality) last week when they were visiting: It’s life’s little moments, that’s for sure.

  • I was destined to be an Aries

    Today is my birthday. My birthday. But for some reason, I’m not thinking of myself so much today. I’m thinking of my mom. Because the day of my birth was a much bigger deal for her than me. Heck, I don’t even remember it! Apparently I was impatient even in the womb. Because my mom’s…

  • “Do you have any drugs?”

    Who needs drugs? When you can go out for an early-morning stroll and see this:   And when you get to the top you’re surrounded by rolling hills like this:   —  We hit the Appalachian Trail this past weekend for some exercise and some R&R. A few in the group are doing a South Beyond 6000…

  • “Do you have any drugs?”

    Who needs drugs? When you can go out for an early-morning stroll and see this:   And when you get to the top you’re surrounded by rolling hills like this:   —  We hit the Appalachian Trail this past weekend for some exercise and some R&R. A few in the group are doing a South Beyond 6000…

  • Life is a gift. Use it or lose it …

    So, I’m a little late on the the whole “look back/look ahead” post that comes at the end of the year, but I was too busy celebrating the holidays to take the time to sit down and think about it! So, better late than never, right? Last year I wrote about some thoughts on 2008,…

  • From the yellow brick road to the Jaws of Life

    I wrote this post last week, and I almost didn’t publish it today because there’s another canine friend , who is very much alive, fighting for her health across the country right now. But I wanted to share this story with you of the littlest family member with a big heart. And Daisy, I’m thinking about you…

  • From the yellow brick road to the Jaws of Life

    I wrote this post last week, and I almost didn’t publish it today because there’s another canine friend , who is very much alive, fighting for her health across the country right now. But I wanted to share this story with you of the littlest family member with a big heart. And Daisy, I’m thinking about you…

  • In the ‘things could be worse’ category – she might have to give up her dog.

    How do you help someone when all they need is money and you don’t have it to give? I know the economy is horrible. I know people are losing their jobs, or getting wages cut, or not getting enough work to pay the bills. I know it’s been bad. And the holidays are a bad…

  • Puppies are not trash.

    This news story makes me so sad. Five puppies were found in a dumpster outside of Hickory, N.C. Outside of a PetCo, at that. If you’re going to abandon puppies, why not put them at the front door of the PetCo at least? I know I’m preaching to the choir here – no one who…

  • Dogs still inside, WWIII has not happened.

    So, a week and a half later and the dogs are still inside and still alive, so all is well on this front … There have been very few issues, actually. One little bathroom mishap the first time I let the dogs in my home office, but I made sure to spray all kinds of…

  • Me vs. pickup: So glad it didn’t happen

    My dog woke me up at 5 a.m. to go to the bathroom, which seems terrible but the silver lining was that my alarm was going to go off 40 minutes later (yes, 40 minutes is 40 minutes, but still) for my morning run. As I was already up before the moon even decided to…

  • Dogs in the house Day 1

    Anyone who knows Jeff probably thinks this is either April Fool’s Day or I’ve just completely revolted against his no-dogs-in-the-house policy. Neither of these are true. Seven years ago, when Jeff and I moved in together, we compromised regarding the dogs: I could have them, but they had to live outside. I agreed, as Breanna…